Agenda item


To receive an update on the progress made against the deep dive priorities for Mental Health and next steps for population mental health, wellbeing delivery, and governance in Trafford from the Public Health Consultant.



Lucy Webster and Claire Robson  (Trafford Public Health) presented a report which updated the Board on progress made against the deep dive priorities for Mental Health and next steps for population mental health and wellbeing delivery and governance in Trafford.


The Board was informed that the quality and security of work is extremely important for mental health and wellbeing, with permanent work identified as a protective factor. Fulfilling employment also offers a platform for structured routines, positive relationships, and gaining a sense of purpose and achievement, as well as providing access to an income.

The Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter (GEC) is a voluntary membership and assessment scheme that aims to raise employment standards across GM, for all organisations of any size, sector or geography and includes Real Living Wage accreditation (RLW).

In February 2022 Trafford’s Health and Wellbeing Board set a target for 60% employers represented on the Board to commit to becoming Living Wage accredited and 30% to work towards full membership of the Good Employment Charter by April 2024.

Regarding progress to date, by March 2024 a total of 5 out of 10 (50%) organisations represented on the Health and Wellbeing Board are Real Living Wage accredited (Greater  Manchester Police, Trafford Council, African Caribbean Care Group, Talk, Listen, Change and L&Q Housing).


2 out of 10 (20%) organisations represented on the Health and Wellbeing Board are Good Employment Charter accredited (Trafford Council and L&Q Housing) with a further 2 (GM Integrated Care and GM Mental Health Foundation Trust) identified as ‘supporters’ of the Good Employment.

Trafford Council’s policy team has been working across the borough to support and encourage local businesses, partners, and organisations to become accredited.

On 21st June 2023 employers in Trafford and councillors came together at Stretford Public Hall at an event to promote the Real Living Wage.

The Sustainable Growth Strategic Partnership Event that took place on 20th Feb 2024 focused on employment and skills and provided a further opportunity to promote the Real Living Wage and Good Employment Charter. Further events are planned for 4th July and 8th October 2024 with a focus on Climate, and Inequalities and Health. The Real Living Wage and Good Employment Charter will be considered as part of wider determinants lens.

The Living Wage Foundation offers advice for any organisation considering becoming Real Living Wage Accredited. The Good Employment Charter website has lots of resources to support organisations considering accreditation. Emma Moseley (Trafford Council Senior Policy Manager) is happy to talk through Trafford Council’s experience of applying and offer support to anyone considering becoming Real Living Wage Accredited.

The Chair emphasised that The Board is committed to a real living wage indeed throughout the Borough and when people are working and delivering for Trafford residents they do receive the best salary for that job.


The Next steps for population mental health and wellbeing delivery and governance in Trafford are as follows –

An All Age Mental Health Group has been recently established in Trafford which has met twice, bringing together stakeholders from across the Local Authority, NHS, VCFSE sector and including commissioned mental health service providers.  It is jointly chaired by the Local Authority and ICB. The purpose of the group is to oversee mental health and wellbeing delivery and transformation across Trafford and to provide oversight of the delivery of the Trafford Mental Health and Wellbeing delivery plan in line with 5 ambitions that are part of Greater Manchester’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-2028. These are




People will be part of mentally healthy, safe and supportive families, workplaces and communities


People’s quality of life will improve through inclusive, timely access to appropriate high-quality mental health information, support and services


People with long-term mental health conditions will live longer and lead fulfilling and healthy lives


People will be comfortable talking about their mental health and wellbeing and will be actively involved in any support and care that they receive


The mental health and wellbeing system recognises the inequality, discrimination and structural inequity people experience and are committed to developing more inclusive services and opportunities that people identify with and are able to access and benefit from


Trafford Public Health, in partnership with Trafford ICB locality Mental Health Commissioning leads and the Trafford VCFSE mental health lead has begun the process of socialising the five GM strategic ambitions with key stakeholders across Trafford as the starting point for wider consultation and co-production of priorities to be reflected in the drafting of Trafford’s mental health and wellbeing delivery plan. This has included conversations with:


Ø  Local Authority leads for Transport, Planning, Housing, Environment, Poverty to ensure recognition within the delivery plan of the significance of the wider determinants/ building blocks that influence mental health and wellbeing

Ø  Local women and service providers represented at the Trafford Women’s Voices event (25th January 2024) to identify specific priorities and opportunities for improving the mental health and wellbeing of women

Ø  Members of the citizen panel from the Poverty Truth Commission (PTC) to explore how the priorities for mental health identified by the PTC can be built on within Trafford’s mental health and delivery plan

Ø  Members of the Thrive in Trafford Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Partnership to identify lifecourse opportunities for prevention and early intervention building on the recommendations of the Aqua review.[1]


Next steps are to build on these initial conversations and to co-produce with system stakeholders the content of a draft delivery plan. A mental health and wellbeing Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Trafford will also be refreshed to inform the content of the delivery plan.

A provisional timeline has been agreed with the All Age Mental Health Group to have a delivery plan ready for launch by autumn 2024.


The Director of Childrens Services highlighted that acuity of mental health need is a real challenge and with the current funding position the Board will be interested in the ICB’s operating model and the funding flow across the 5 ambitions at both GM and locality level  The director made reference to the inter connection between the SEND Board and children’s needs. The Director emphasized that SEND children also have mental health issues. It is important that the SEND Board has a direct reporting link to the locality Boards to provide the opportunity for inter connectivity via that avenue.


The Corporate Director Adults and Wellbeing reiterated point made for the need for the Board to focus on the inequalities and that focus on recovery and early intervention and this should not be lost when dealing with the complexity and statutory commitments across the Trafford system.


The Programme Director Health and Care took the view that the Board needs to have an unwavering commitment to prevention that holds the Strategy locally and that it is all aged.  The Board will want assurance of progress being made against the key aims and aspirations of the Mental Health Strategy. The All Age Mental Health Group will be considering KPIs, performance data and outcomes as part of the 2024-25 work plan.


The Chair underlined the focus on prevention as being our goal to stop people falling into crisis.


RESOLVED: that the Board


(i)             notes the report;


(ii)            commends the progress made in mental health and wellbeing in Trafford and reiterates its support regarding the Real Living Wage and Good Charter accreditation;


(iii)          underlines its commitment and support for all age mental health intervention and prevention across Trafford and to endorse the 5 Greater Manchester strategic ambitions for mental health and wellbeing 2024-2028; and


(iv)          will continue to receive further progress reports  on mental health and wellbeing delivery in Trafford as part of wider governance arrangements.





Supporting documents: