Agenda item


To receive an update on progress of all the SMART Action Plans and achievements throughout 2023/24 from the Director of Public Health and Public Health Consultants.


The Director of Public Health presented the Health and Wellbeing Annual Report 2023-24.


This is the first Annual Report submitted to the Health and Wellbeing Board and describes achievements and challenges against the key responsibilities and priorities of the Board.


The work to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities in Trafford requires vision and strategic direction. To inform future direction seven recommendations have been drawn from the review process, these are set out on page 4 of the report, and subject to the approval of the Board will form the forward plan for the Board going through 2024-25.


The report shows the responsibilities of the Board and considers and identifies the priorities for the Board.


The Director of Public Health made reference to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) strategy. Trafford’s HWBB aims to improve the health outcomes of people living and learning in Trafford, and to reduce the impact of health inequalities. It does this through strategy development, improving partnership working, and using our knowledge of local needs from our JSNA to improve our services. The JSNA is a statutory requirement of the HWBB. Broad in its scope, it enables us to gather, analyse and interpret data on the health and wellbeing needs of our residents and patients across a range of domains. This helps us to commission services in line with local needs. The JSNA process was significantly impacted by the pandemic and in 2023-24 public health intelligence work focused on recovery and re-establishing the team and systems.


The Director of Public Health referred to the Better Care Fund (BCF) programme and how this supports local systems to successfully deliver the integration of health and social care in a way that supports person-centred care, sustainability and better outcomes for people and carers. It represents a unique collaboration between: • The Department of Health and Social Care. • Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. • NHS England. • The Local Government Association. The four partners work closely together to help local areas plan and implement integrated health and social care services across England, in line with the vision outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan. Locally, the programme spans both the NHS and local government to join up health and care services, so that people can manage their own health and wellbeing and live independently in their communities for as long as possible. The HWBB has oversight of the BCF and is accountable for its delivery. More detail the BCF its priorities and performance are set out in paragraphs 3.2.2 – 3.2.5 of the report. Reference was made to Child Deaths in Trafford, paragraph 3.3 of the report refers.  Each year the Stockport, Tameside, and Trafford (STT) Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) publish a report, ‘Learning from Child Death Reviews’, to describe why children who lived in Stockport, Tameside and Trafford died, to learn from the circumstances as far as possible, and present recommendations for the future.


Trafford’s Public Health team provides leadership for CDOP and ensures that recommendations from the panel are actioned. The Action Plan and recommendations are set out in paragraph 3.3 of the report.


The Director drew attention to Health Protection and Infection, Prevention and Control. The Health Protection and Resilience Board is accountable to the HWBB. The multi-agency board meets quarterly to:


• provide strategic leadership on any surveillance and Outbreak Management within Trafford.

• enhance partnership working on health protection in Trafford between Trafford, NHS, UKHSA and other local services and to assist the Director of Public Health to discharge their responsibility for ensuring oversight of health protection in Trafford.

 • provide assurance to the HWBB and relevant stakeholders, on behalf of the population of Trafford, that there are safe and effective arrangements and plans in place to protect the health of the population.


The key priorities for 2023-24 are set out in paragraph 3.4.1 of the report.


There has been progress against all the objectives, with successful change demonstrated in MMR uptake and Antibiotic Stewardship. The objectives are being reviewed and consulted on by the Board with a refreshed set being the focus for 2024-25. The new set of objectives will be shared with the HWBB for agreement.


The Board’s Priorities are set out in paragraph 4 of the report.


Tobacco use, physical inactivity, being an unhealthy weight, alcohol use and poor mental health are the major drives of poor health and health inequalities in Trafford.


During 2022-23, the HWB took a collaborative approach to reviewing the priorities. A series of workshop were held that incorporated robust intelligence and evidence. Partners were asked to describe current challenges and opportunities against each of the priority areas. This process resulted in five SMART action plans that have been a key focus for the relevant partnerships.

The five priorities are –


·       To support our residents to be a healthy weight

·       To reduce the impact of poor mental health

·       To reduce the number of people who smoke or use tobacco

·       To reduce physical inactivity

·       To reduce harms from alchohol


The Board’s commitments, recommendations and goals for going forward are set out in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.55 of the report. Table 5.1 in Paragraph 5 of the report shows the status and progress made to date against each of the SMART actions.

RESOLVED: That Trafford’s Health and Wellbeing Board


(i)             continue to focus on the five priority areas, and,


(a) identify a priority leadership trio for each priority to ensure ownership is truly system wide, so that the named lead officers include a named lead from Trafford Council, NHS and VCSFE.

(b) ensure a dedicated deep dive session for each priority throughout the annual cycle. Reviewing outputs and performance to ensure we are making a difference.


(ii)            engage with and provide leadership to the JSNA, including supporting the development process and annual workplan.


(iii)          review and determine the next phase of the Women’s Health Strategy, including system leadership and governance.


(iv)          be accountable for, and to provide oversight of progress towards addressing the wider determinants of mental health and wellbeing within Trafford’s mental health and wellbeing delivery plan.


(v)           support the work of the Fairer Health for Trafford Partnership.


(vi)          update the HWBB Strategy 2019-2029 plan on a page via the established Locality Plan refresh work programme and for this to be shared on member organisation websites and electronically with partners.


(vii)         schedule an annual review and report process for 2024-25.









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