Agenda item


To consider a report on developments surrounding the refresh of the Locality Plan and the 2024/25 priorities from the Health & Social Care Programme Director.


The Programme Director Health and Care presented the Draft Priorities 2024-25 and Refresh of Locality Plan report.

The aim to refresh the Trafford Locality Plan is supplemented by the requirement to develop a set of ‘Delivery Priorities’ for 2024/25 outlined in the accompanying slides. Both programmes of work are being developed in parallel, enabling us to define the next 12 months priorities, whilst also in due course articulating the longer-term vision for our refreshed Locality Plan, incorporating a refresh of the HWWB Strategy.


The intent is to have a system owned delivery plan that clearly states our collective ambition and intention for 24/25, including priority programmes and specific commissioning intentions reflective of Trafford’s key stakeholders’ priorities.


The GM approach to planning for 2024/25 is different to that of previous annual operational plans – it has committed to developing a broad System Delivery Plan for GM rather than solely a response to the NHS guidance.


The Draft contains two elements of the requested ‘Locality Delivery Portfolio’ including our commissioning intentions and a broader set of priorities for 2024/5 identified and co-created by Trafford partners. The content has been created drawing on detail from our existing locality plan, Health and Wellbeing Strategy, the GM ICP Strategy and Joint Forward Plan, the GM Prevention Framework, GM Strategic Financial Framework, and other relevant local and GM strategies/plans.


The finer detail of each of the commissioning intentions and priorities are actively being constructed by identified lead officers and have been submitted as a partial response to NHS GM on the 16th February.


The Trafford Locality Delivery Portfolio including Commissioning Intentions 2024-25 is attached to report.


The delivery of draft commissioning intentions and priorities are subject to available resources, transparency of system resources, including organisational and sector efficiency targets, and alignment of organisational and sector priorities.


A process of prioritisation and sequencing will need to be applied with a stringent criterion applied to ensure value for money, desired outcomes and priorities that are evidence based.


As part of the Locality Plan refresh the Health and Wellbeing Strategy will be refreshed and updated and in terms of a timeline that process should be completed by the middle of the year and that will be submitted to the Board for discussion and sign off.

The Programme Director Health and Care informed the Board that the Key Drivers had not changed and there is an ongoing task to compile the final Trafford Locality Draft Delivery Portfolio by the end of March / early April. We have set some strong foundations for agreeing the priorities for 2024-25 built on an agreed set of principles and these will be key when mobilising a prioritisation process. Due to the enormity of the detail, the detail is set out in the Appendix of the slides. The next steps and actions relating to the following are set out in detail in the Portfolio:

  • Detailed Programme Plan
  • Locality Delivery Portfolio – Next Steps
  • Prioritisation
  • Locality Plan Refresh


Regarding the prioritisation plan for 2024-25 partners thought that this cannot be done without understanding impact on social inequalities so each priority should take into account how they positively address social and health inequalities.

It was drawn to the Board’s attention that the list of priorities will not only be carried out in 2024-25 but will span a number of years. It is also important to note that the priorities are subject to capacity and funding.

The Programme Director made reference to the Board’s commitment to prevention and underlined the need to set the priorities against this and indeed looking at each priority questioning whether each one is the right thing to do at that point in time bearing in mind capacity and funding.

The aim is to go to the Locality Board in April to sign off the final plan for 24/25. There is a Greater Manchester ICB Board next week where the initial GM planning submission will be submitted for sign off with further work required in April to refine plans and trajectories.

The Corporate Director of Children’s Services emphasised the importance of people and resources in the collective system and as highlighted by the Programme Director Health and Care this is work in progress. The is also the collective risk ownership of making decisions because there will be difficult decisions and consequences of these decisions so collective responsibility is important when prevention is a commitment and indeed are the Board’s legal obligations.

RESOLVED: that the Board notes and agrees

(i)             the content of the report and initial submission of the draft Trafford Delivery Portfolio;


(ii)            support where required the completion of the Programme Plan (Including further submissions to NHS GM) and prioritisation process, to be determined; and


(iii)          to refresh of the Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy, incorporated into the agreed refresh of the Locality Plan.

Supporting documents: