Agenda item


To receive the response from the Executive following submission of the Task & Finish group report, Events at Old Trafford, to the meeting of the Executive on the 29th January 2024.


The Executive Member for Highways, Environmental and Traded Services, Councillor Stephen Adshead, introduced the report and thanked former Councillor Walsh who chaired the task and finish group. The Executive Member was glad to see the report and hoped it showed how the Council was working with Manchester United to limit the impact of matchdays on local residents. The Executive Member shared the frustrations of matchday parking, and the limits the Council had on penalising those who park inappropriately. It was highlighted how the introduction of red routes aimed to give the Council greater power to deal with those that chose to park illegally. Before handing over, the Executive Member highlighted his desire to work closer with Manchester United under their new ownership and supporting them in building a strategy through any redevelopment in the area to support the residents.

The Director of Growth and Regulatory Services provided updates to the responses within the report. This included scheduled implementation of red routes around the ground in August; positive approaches from the Trafford Centre following a meeting to discuss how it could be used on matchdays; several ongoing workstreams with Transport for Greater Manchester, with the refresh of the overarching Transport 2040 strategy; and working closely with the football club and Greater Manchester Police (GMP) in the new season.


The Chair reported positive reception from residents in the Ward. The Chair asked what the reception from Manchester United (MUFC) had been to the report. The Director of Growth and Regulatory Services confirmed the report had been shared with MUFC, however, there had not been a formal response yet. Generally speaking, the Director felt the club had highlighted their commitment to working on a number of the issues highlighted.


Councillor Hartley felt redevelopment of the stadium provided an opportunity and highlighted the lack of rail station access to the ground. Councillor Hartley asked whether any redevelopments of the ground would include the opportunity to improve rail access. The Director of Growth and Regulatory Services confirmed that it was within the Wharfside plan to address the issues of rail access. The Executive Member confirmed that during discussions on the redevelopment of the ground, there would be consideration to rail access. 


Councillor Hartley agreed with increased cycle parking, however, felt access to better cycle routes was required to increase its usage. Councillor Hartley added that it was difficult to walk to Old Trafford and asked whether there were plans to publicise walking routes to the ground. The Director confirmed that TfGM did have designated walking routes. This would also be included with the ongoing extensive active travel programmes and within the Civic quarter action plan to make greater use of Warwick Road as a processional way.

Councillor Axford asked whether use of the metrolink had been looked at and felt the news on trains and greater tram provision was positive. The Executive Member confirmed that the Metrolink was well used for matchday travel, with many fans also walking to the Didsbury line to spread the number of people on the tram network.

The Chair had heard from residents that the shuttle bus programme had been dropped by TfGM and asked if there was an update on this. The Director of Growth and Regulatory Services recognised that this was an issue that TfGM was grappling with, however, confirmed that any approach would be consistent with that taken at other stadiums.


Councillor Coggins referred to section 3.13 of the report around reforming the group relative to parking and traffic management, asking whether it could be resurrected at some point to deal with broader issues. The Chair felt traffic was being considered first due to it being of most concern.


Councillor Coggins felt the modal shift work was unambitious, with it not making use of empty parking spaces which often go unused. The Executive Member responded that once redevelopment began this would not be the case. Councillor Coggins also referred to the red routes, adding that enforcement would only be along those routes and did not address the issue of kerbside parking. The Chair asked whether the red routes were monitored by cameras. The Executive Member confirmed that there were cameras along the network.

RESOLVED: That Scrutiny noted the Executive response. 


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