Agenda item


To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader of the Council, Members of the Executive, Chairs of Scrutiny Committees and the Head of Paid Service.


(a)       Leader of the Council’s Announcements


The Leader of the Council referred to the approval of the Corporate Plan at the previous meeting and reported on the events he had attended over the summer which supported the Plan and other things done as a council. The Leader had attended the Trafford Moving Conference in Sale; the civic launch of Black History Month at Manchester Cathedral; the Voice of BME Trafford; the Stretford Advice Hub in Stretford Public Hall; Trafford Community Awards; and the Strategic Partnership launch of the Corporate Plan which was followed up by an event on equalities, climate and health.


The Leader also reported that the draft budget papers had been published earlier that week and on the challenges the Council continued to face to deliver a balanced budget. Some Members had been involved in a CIPFA review over the summer months and the Leader was delighted to see that CIPFA had recognised that Trafford was a well run council with historic funding challenges.


(b)       Executive Announcements


Councillor K. Carter, Executive Member for Children and Young People reported that school attendance was the best in the North West and Trafford was first in the North West for destinations that children leaving school go for college, skills or apprenticeships with the lowest number of children not in education employment training. Trafford also had the lowest obesity rates in Year 6, which were the lowest seen for a number of years. GCSE and A Level results surpassed the previous year and although not yet announced, Trafford was expected to be one of the top performing boroughs in the country. The Executive Member had also attended a Foster Carer’s celebration event that day to celebrate all foster carers including one who had served for thirty years.


Councillor Williams, Executive Member for Climate Change was pleased to report that since the last meeting Trafford’s relaunched Active Travel Forum had held it’s first meeting at Stretford Public Hall and that progress was continuing with the delivery of the Active Travel Scheme along the A56 between the M60 and Talbot Road. The Executive Member was also pleased to welcome the Mayor of Greater Manchester and the Active Travel Commissioner to the Borough the previous Thursday during their visit to Seymour Park Community Primary School in Old Trafford which was an opportunity to showcase the school street implemented with the support of the school and volunteers from the community. Councillor Williams was also delighted to see delivery of the first phase of Urmston Active Neighbourhood during the ongoing trial of Flixton Community Street. Finally, the Executive Member took the opportunity to thank officers for their work to realise the Council’s ambitions for Climate Change and Active Travel and also those Ward Members who participated in the Active Travel Forum, as well as those Members that continue to volunteer in supporting school streets in their communities. He also extended thanks to Flixton Ward Members for their advocacy on behalf of local residents during the community streets trial.

Councillor Adshead, Executive Member for Highways, Environmental and Traded Services provided a brief update on an initiative launched the previous day for the recycling of pots, tubs and trays which had been received enormously well received. Another initiative  was the introduction of re-use shops which were becoming more popular and the Executive Member encouraged everyone to visit the hub in Trafford Park.


Councillor Thompson, Executive Member for Communities and Safety took the opportunity to pay tribute to the Regulatory Services Team who have been an important part of the new Greater Manchester Compliance Team launched in October 2023, which had earned them recognition as finalists in two prestigious awards, the Association for Public Service Excellence for best collaborative working and the Local Government Chronicle Award, celebrating excellence in workforce management. The Team has also been successful in attracting funding for new apprenticeships which was helping address the skills shortage in the service area. Finally, the Executive Member wished Trafford’s Licencing Manager, Joanne Boyle good luck in her nomination for the Jeremy Allen Award for Excellence in Licensing.


(c)        Scrutiny Announcements


Councillor Western, Chair of Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee thanked officers for their reports at two recent meetings and Members for their challenging questions. Also, a Task and Finish Group looking at SEND Tribunals had been established and had it’s first meeting and Councillor Western looked forward to reporting to Council in due course.