Agenda item


To receive a report from the Deputy Place Lead.


The Chair welcomed Gareth James, Deputy Place Lead for Health and Care Integration and Cathy O’Driscoll, Associate Director of Delivery and Transformation, NHS Greater Manchester to the Meeting. The Officers outlined the Urgent Care review findings and recommendations for Scrutiny to consider.


The Chair reminded Members that the request on Health Scrutiny Members tonight was to articulate if they consider that the changes proposed in the review resulted in a substantial change in service provision and, if so, articulate the reasons for this. It was noted that any views provided by Members would inform a conversation with NHS England about the level of further work and consultation required.


The Associate Director of Delivery & Transformation (Trafford) provided the Committee with a summary of the seven priority areas within Urgent Care Review.


A Member asked whether the wording of Priority Area 7 (‘Consider how we use Altrincham Minor Injuries Unit’) ought to be reconsidered with reference to the phrase ‘continual relocation of services to the Wythenshawe Hospital site’ (report p. 8), as this could have been construed as plans for additional service relocations. The Deputy Place Lead for Health and Care Integration noted this as a helpful suggestion.


Members discussed how the future use of the two rooms made vacant by the relocation of Altrincham Minor Injuries Unit would be an important area for public engagement discussions if Priority Area 7 returned for consultation (Gateway 2). The Deputy Place Lead for Health and Care Integration confirmed that this would come through Health Scrutiny if further consultation was required.


The Associate Director of Delivery & Transformation (Trafford) informed the Committee that Priority Areas 1-6 could be implemented immediately if the recommendations were approved as the infrastructure and providers were already in place.


A Member asked whether out of hours provision would also extend to pharmacies in Partington. The Associate Director of Delivery & Transformation (Trafford) explained to the Committee that pharmacies were not directly commissioned but rather independent contractors; discussions were taking place to extend opening hours for pharmacies in Partington, though Trafford was generally well supplied with pharmacies.


The Committee was informed that a 24-hour facility was not available within the Trafford borough which was the reason for the Wythenshawe Hospital site for Priority Area 7 in the report; face-to-face appointments were to be available at Trafford General Hospital until 11:00pm, with appointments at the Wythenshawe site from 11:00pm until 8:00am for this reason of accessibility.


Several Members stressed the impact of the relocation of services from Altrincham Minor Injuries Unit (Priority Area 7), particularly for residents in the south of the Borough, with added pressures on urgent care from the additional population who were due to move to the Borough’s new housing developments. The Deputy Place Lead for Health and Care Integration responded that the impact on healthcare provision was factored into planning decisions and that they worked closely with Trafford Council colleagues regarding the health impact of housing developments.


The Vice-Chair noted that the urgent care provision was comprehensive in the Borough and delivered in a number of ways; however, public understanding of the provision was imperative through a robust communications strategy to ensure that the population accessed the right services.


At the conclusion of the debate, the consensus of Members was in support of the review and the positive outcomes it would have on residents. Some Members however felt that the closure of the minor Injures unit represented a substantial change in provision, due to the closure of a service.


Upon being put to vote, Members agreed that:


That the Health Scrutiny Committee supports the urgent care review and its findings, with the exception of recommendation 10 (Priority area 7) which the Committee felt resulted in a substantial change in service due to the closure of a service.




That the Health Scrutiny Committee supports the urgent care review and its findings, with the exception of recommendation 10 (Priority area 7) which the Committee felt resulted in a substantial change in service due to the closure of a service.”


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