To receive a presentation from Officers at Transport for Greater Manchester on Bus Franchising in Trafford, as part of the Bee Network.
Officers from Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) attended Committee, presenting first on Bus Franchising in Trafford, coming in the third and final tranche in January 2025.
The Chief Network Officer, TfGM, outlined the vision in Greater Manchester (GM) for the Bee Network, namely for reliable affordable transport for the people of GM and the sustainable growth and opportunities that could be provided through a strong public transport system.
The Chief Transformation Officer outlined her role in leading on the transformation of the network, with the Network Director for Buses responsible for the network once set up. The Chief Transformation Officer highlighted the accountability that was to come through the franchising, improvements seen during the first two tranches across GM, and an overview of the new buses which were to be seen in Trafford on the 5th January, covering the routes currently in existence. Other areas raised by the Officer included the Bee Network App, the travel safe partnership, and ongoing work with credit unions.
The Network Director for Buses outlined the six commitments of the Bee Network – Safe, Sustainable, Accessible, Affordable, Accountable, Reliable – and shared the exciting time to work in public transport. The Director pointed the Committee to the performance table seen within the report from tranche one and two and outlined the target for 2030 accepting the work to be done to get there. The Director finally spoke through the stages and indicative timelines, with the GM Mayor hoping they would be moved forward quicker, whilst accepting the long journey involved.
The Chair was glad to see the buses coming back into control. The Chair was also pleased to see the agreement with credit unions and asked how as elected Members they could encourage take up of the offer. The Chief Network Officer highlighted how annual public transport products were available to everyone, with the credit union an option to fund the tickets. It was planned to market the option heavily in 2025, and hoped Members could encourage their communities to explore.
Councillor Axford felt a stigma remained regarding travelling on bus compared to Metrolink, asking how this could be changed. The Network Director for Buses agreed that the image needed improving through resetting how the bus system looked and felt, with a need to talk up bus usage and the additional safety measures coming to the network.
The Member also raised congestion caused by cars on the road and how this deterred people from using the bus, asking how TfGM was encouraging bus usage. The Network Director for Buses highlighted the need for cooperation with Councils to encourage bus priority, which would involve tough decisions by Local Authorities to encourage bus usage.
Councillor Hartley welcomed the encouraging progress. The Member asked what the ambitions for school bus services was, suggesting that expanding the number of services would increase patronage. The Network Director for Buses responded that franchising did not change procurement of bus services yet, with TfGM not necessarily looking to expand school services, in part due to linking in with wider school travel through active travel, and due to the cost associated with services running with limited service. Instead, the target of TfGM would be to get the main network of buses to a greater extent to ensure school children can travel to school efficiently.
Prompting a further question, Councillor Hartley referred to the aim by 2030 to have 90% of the population within 400M of a 30-minute frequency bus service, and asked whether there was ambition to reduce this further in the future. The Network Director for Buses referred to a large plan for a proportion of 12-minute frequency buses or better but suspected there might have to be choices in the future as to either upping the frequency or putting other low frequency routes into estates, noting the 192 the only GM bus currently running on a sub-12-minute frequency.
Councillor Jones asked what the growth and strategic reviews might look like for neighbourhoods, such as Partington, who have less provision. The Network Director for Buses referred to reviews undertaken in the first two tranches which involved looking at estate services and had no reason that this would not be the same in Trafford. The Director was excited that the new buses would also be going on local bus routes.
Councillor Coggins referred to the wider improvements, including what was being considered for extra functionality within the Bee Network App, where TfGM was on getting a unified payment system for buses and metrolink, and whether bus on demand was being considered. The Chief Network Officer felt the app had improved since its launch including integrated products for bus and tram. The Officer confirmed that integrated touch-in and touch-out on buses was being looked at for March 2025, highlighting the good progress in a tricky setting. The Network Director for Buses confirmed ongoing work with Local Link and Ring and Ride Services, and how these could fit into the Bee Network. The network review process would consider this.
Councillor Cosby asked what training drivers would be receiving to improve passenger safety. The Chief Transformation Officer confirmed that all new buses which had been purchased, included several safety standards, with drivers to go through training on how to use those standards, and receive training on passenger vulnerability. New buses included greater levels of CCTV, two disabled bays, and increased hearing loop access. The number of partners present in the travel control room had increased, with a travel safe officer available to drivers if required. The Chief Network officer added that 60 new travel safe bus network officers had been hired, with similar numbers on the tram, noting that the partnership between TfGM and Greater Manchester Police (GMP) had never been better.
Councillor Frass was unimpressed by the response on school buses, especially considering schools in more rural areas such as Hale Barns, where a school bus arriving to a specific location would be safer than a child waiting on the streets. The Chief Network Officer felt it was worth noting that TfGM was to publish a School Travel Document in the next month, with the service was not saying that school buses would not be considered, rather TfGM needing to ensure services were equitable across the network.
Councillor Thomas was worried by the archaic bus services on the network, which missed out several changes across Trafford, such as no bus connecting Flixton / Urmston to Manchester Royal Infirmary. The Chief Transformation Officer replied the reason for routes remaining the same at launch was due to the complex work undertaken on the night leading into the 5th January, which will have teething issues. As such, the Officer added that changes to services would increase the complexity and any potential issues. The Network Director for Buses added that there was desire to change routes but stressed the need to undertake this in an orderly manner.
Councillor Jarman highlighted the cost of a 7-day Bee Any Bus day ticket being £20 and a 28-day at £80, not adding any incentive and asked whether this could be considered to have the public commit to longer term use. The Chief Network Officer confirmed that the current commitments were set to early 2025, with fares constantly being under review.
The Executive Member for Climate Change reassured Members that Tranche Three was to come, and as such Trafford was at the start of its journey. Councillor Williams informed Members that the Council had no adopted local plan at present, but this was something the Executive was working on and would happily work with Scrutiny as a possible pre-decision Scrutiny item, when the time came.
The Chair finished by agreeing that this would be considered in the future and thanked Officers from TfGM for the presentation.
1) That the update on Bus Franchising in Trafford be noted.
2) That any future Local Bee Network Plan for Trafford, be considered as a possible item for the Scrutiny Committee.
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