Agenda item


To receive a presentation from Officers at Transport for Greater Manchester on Metrolink and Active Travel Provision in Trafford.


The Chief Network Officer, TfGM opened by speaking to the improving patronage figures on Metrolink post-Covid, with performance in Trafford being good, and the Borough including the most travelled line. The Chief Network Officer also highlighted the Trafford Park line, which had increasing patronage. 

The Network Director for Active alerted Committee that Active Travel on the Bee Network was at the beginning of its journey, emphasising the progress made since 2020 in Trafford, with over 140Km of Bee Network standard routes available. The Director highlighted how Active Travel work was collaborative between Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) and Local Authorities on how schemes were delivered. Bee Network branding was desired to bring transport across Greater Manchester (GM) under one umbrella. The Director provided detail on the transformative journey, which was hoped for, with a vision of total GM coverage of over 2700Km of walking, wheeling and cycling routes being three times the road length in the whole of Trafford.

The Chair thanked the Officers and asked what could be done in Trafford to support residents with the storage of bikes. The Network Director for Active highlighted trials across GM of residents’ cycle hangers, with Members able to support on planning policies for these types of residential options. However, the Director added that despite there being a range of solutions, there was not yet a consistent GM policy for this.

Councillor Hartley was disappointed by the lack of investment and progress in walking as part of the Active Travel network, asking what the ambition was for improving the proportion of active travel spend on walking. The Network Director for Active responded that TfGM agreed with the Member, with the mission shifting since the appointment of Dame Sarah Storey as Active Travel Commissioner, who had been successful in a bid for funding from Active Travel England. The Director referred to the School Travel Strategy which would include plans for school streets, and other exploration into how TfGM can up the rate of investment in crossings.

Councillor Glenton asked for an update on the progress following a trial on bikes on trams earlier in the year. The Network Director for Active highlighted a strong commitment to this, with a report surrounding this expected to be published later in 2024. The Chief Network Officer added that it was a likely proposition, with the trial being successful. The Officer did highlight some concerns around provision and possible need to change layout of trams for greater space. It was highlighted that disabled / wheelchair users were the most against the trial, but reassured Members that spaces for those residents would not be compromised.

Councillor Axford echoed Councillor Hartley on walking and crossing, feeling as though pedestrian prioritisation at traffic light could be a straightforward change in the future to increase usage. The Network Director for Active highlighted timings being modified on 160 crossings so far, with further changes ongoing.

Councillor Coggins referred to a study done by the GM Cycle campaign which had looked at the very tram being used in Trafford elsewhere (Cologne, Minneapolis), and being able to take bikes, so asked what was delaying this. The Chief Network Officer responded that TfGM had consulted Edinburgh on their approach, who had faced challenges and did not allow bikes on trams during festival season and at peak time. The Officer added that many areas which did allow bikes on trams were much more well-staffed than in GM. Concluding, the Officer added that safety was a big concern, but Members should expect the report to come later in the year to be much more positive.

Councillor Thomas thanked Officers for the work and funding from TfGM, and highlighted heartwarming responses heard to community led schemes in his ward. The Executive Member for Climate Change thanked Flixton ward Members, Councillors G. Carter and Thomas for being fantastic advocates for the schemes.

Councillor Hartley asked whether TfGM had any plans to make sure footways were more accessible for those residents who need it. The Network Director for Active responded that there were currently no plans. However, funds had been made available for maintenance which could be invested into things such as dropped curbs. The Director highlighted responses he was awaiting from Government on possible legislation changes, with growing awareness of the role that active lives had on health. The Director concluded that promising noises were being heard from the new Transport Secretary on regulations.

Councillor Taylor asked whether there were any plans to increase the number of double trams at peak times, having often experienced busy services at peak times in Stretford. The Chief Network Officer responded that there were no plans for increased numbers of trams, with the service purchasing new trams recently, which were already out on the network. The Officer confirmed that the busiest lines (of which Altrincham was the busiest) were being targeted. The Officer also highlighted network wide improvements, including work ongoing on the section of track between Altrincham and Timperley to take it into TfGM ownership, which would take journey time off the line.

Councillor Coggins asked three brief questions at the end on scooters, a walking and cycling forum with Walk Ride GM which was to be rearranged, and an update on the Bee Network in Altrincham. The Executive Member for Climate Change needed to speak with a Trafford Officer regarding this.

            RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


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