Agenda item


To receive the 2023/24 Holiday Activities and Food Report from the Sport and Physical Activity Relationship Manager.


The Sport and Physical Activity Relationship Manager provided an overview of the report which had been shared with the agenda. The Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) was a government funded food programme which required the Council to deliver a programme of inclusive activities including a hot meal over the school holidays. The Manager highlighted the key areas of the presentation including the level of monies provided, the services and activities which were available, and the attendances by school holiday.

The fund was designed to support those young people who were eligible for free school meals (FSM), but the Manager did inform Members that local authorities did have discretion to use up to 15% of the funding for children who were not in receipt of free school meals. The Chair thanked the Sport and Physical Activity Relationship Manager for the presentation and opened to Members for questions.

Councillor Hirst asked several questions. Firstly, whether children in care were also eligible for the fund. The Manager confirmed that it was only those on FSM, but highlighted work with Trafford Carers Centre and Grip Adventure, to provide a joint programme. The 15% was used wisely, however, did remark the need to be strict on how the fund was spent.

Following up, the Member highlighted the balance between providing healthy meals and young people being fed so asked how children not liking the food was managed. The Manager raised several workstreams with health colleagues to ensure food was healthy, commenting on how this had improved since coming into post.

Finally, Councillor Hirst noted that most activities were group based and asked whether there were any solo activities provided. The Manager responded that there was nothing outlined currently, but mentioned work underway by grip adventure to provide SEND provision activities, with a desire to provide this further should funding continue in the future. 

Councillor Maitland asked whether there was any provision in Davyhulme ward. The Sport and Physical Activity Relationship Manager responded that the closest provision would be Trafford Handball Club in Urmston, with the focus of the fund often being directed to specific areas. The Manager encouraged applications from all areas. Councillor Maitland felt communication of the programme could be improved, to ensure that residents in Davyhulme knew of the provision in Urmston.

Councillor Maitland asked whether the Council was pushing provisions to provide healthy food, highlighting the danger of over processed food. The Manager responded that very little was ultra processed food provided and reiterated that the standard had improved.

Councillor Ennis asked whether the 15% could be used for anyone impacted by the 2-child benefit cap. The Sport and Physical Activity Relationship Manager responded that this funding could go to any child in hardship, but did not have the data specifically. The Manager was to share this with Councillor Ennis outside of the meeting.

The Chair raised her concern for those just above the threshold for support. The Sport and Physical Activity Relationship Manager felt that during monitoring checks in the past, it seemed as though some of the fund was being used for these young people by providers. The Corporate Director for Children’s Services felt a deep dive on how the 15% was being used would be valuable and offered to discuss this with the Sport and Physical Activity Relationship Manager after the meeting.

Councillor Devlin asked whether there was any overall information which could report back the overall impact of the funding. The Manager responded that when considering the programme moving forward, this was to be considered to ensure that it was being used as effectively as possible.

The Chair thanked the Officer for the report, his time, and the responses.


1)    That the report be noted.

2)    That the Sport and Physical Activity Relationship Manager provide Councillor Ennis with data on if any funding was being used by young people impacted by the 2-child benefit cap.

3)    That the Corporate Director for Children’s Services offer support to Sport and Physical Activity Relationship Manager to look at in more depth how the 15% of funding was being used.


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