Agenda item


To receive a report on the Cultural Strategy Activation from the Director of Cultural Transformation.


The Director of Cultural Transformation, who had arrived in post in December 2023 to lead the Cultural Strategy activation spoke through the report and slides which had been provided in the agenda. The Director introduced the different ways culture impacts residents with the strategy focusing on it in the broadest sense.

The Director touched on the existing provision in Trafford and highlighted the increased leadership in the space, with the cultural transformation hub contributing to the work which was ongoing.

On talent in the Borough, the Director raised the four key group set out in the report, which brought people in culture together to improve the space. The Director also referenced the ‘Trafford is…’ platform which positioned the Council to promote the Borough’s cultural offer. Awareness was also given to the ten creative clusters established in the Borough, which enabled the Council to focus and engage with areas specifically. 

The two key funding streams for the strategy – Arts Council’s Place Partnership Funding and the National Lottery Heritage Fund – were mentioned which had been designed to support future funding bids.

Concluding, the Director of Cultural Transformation highlighted the challenges to the strategy, most notably, the small team aiming to deliver a large programme. However, the Director spoke positively of what success could look like in 2025.

Councillor Axford referred to the strategic aims included within the report and, noting the work ongoing with mental health in the borough, asked how high-profile health was in the culture strategy, recognising that it had been in discussions. The Director of Cultural Transformation informed Members that the Cultural Transformation Hub in December would be focussing on health and wellbeing, referencing work ongoing with colleagues in Public Health, as well as knowledge sitting within Trafford and at the Combined Authority level more widely.

Councillor Coggins asked about a possible Year of Culture bid and asked whether that could support the other aims of the Council, especially in relation to the environmental impacts of any events. The Director reassured the Members that there was a range of ideas that could be associated with events, such as encouraging active travel and green transport when residents attend. The Director also emphasised the power of arts and culture to build a nature connection which could change residents’ day to day practice.

Councillor Holden complimented the report and the plans within it.

Councillor Frass was pleased with the ‘Trafford is…’ platform but asked how residents will be informed that the platform is available. The Director underlined the importance of creating a strong brand identity, which would be embedded within communities and across the Council.

Councillor Frass felt it was important the Council reached out to residents who did not feel culture was for them. The Director agreed, citing the need for an inclusive approach, with work commencing with partners early to encourage this activity. The Leader of the Council had attended a creative cluster session and remarked on how helpful it had been to map out the places within wards which needed to be targeted. Members were also reassured that there was Corporate level support provided to the promotion of the strategy.

Councillor Butt asked whether there was any collaborative work ongoing with other local authorities. The Director of Cultural Transformation assured Members that regular work was ongoing with culture directors at Manchester and Salford Council, with leaders across all of Greater Manchester spoken with to understand what works well.

Councillor Axford asked how the strategy could be made more visual and accessible. The Director was considering every art form as part of the strategy, conducting listening exercises to understand what stakeholders wanted from the strategy.

Councillor Cosby asked how the strategy was being managed, noting the strategic board with a range of Members. The Director informed Members that they personally reported into the Corporate Director for Strategy and Resources, with the strategy physically sitting within the Communications team. The Cultural Transformation Hub was also raised, which included the Executive Member for Leisure, Arts, Culture and Heritage, which met every month.

Councillor Cosby asked if there were any private partners. The Director spoke of Imperial War Museum North, Bruntwood, and Lancashire County Cricket Club, who were all engaged.

The Chair thanked the Director of Cultural Transformation for their attendance.

RESOLVED: That the progress in respect of activation of the Cultural Strategy, be noted.


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