Agenda item

Blue Badge Digitisation

To receive a report update on the digitisation of the department from the Customer Service Lead.


The Chair welcomed the Customer Service Lead and the Head of Customer Service, Libraries and Culture, who presented the Committee with a report on the digitisation of the Blue Badge application process.


The Committee was informed that the system had recently changed to use Microsoft Dynamics software in combination with a Government webform. Early indications and data suggested that residents were finding the new system easier to navigate.


The Customer Service Lead informed the Committee that as of 29 October 2024, there were 10,339 residents holding an active Blue Badge within the Trafford borough. Previously, the renewal process, which would usually take place every three years, was limited and involved a full re-application. This was a protracted process for residents whose conditions would not improve and who would continue to require a Blue Badge. The new GOV.UK webform was reported as being much shorter and created a better customer journey for those with ongoing conditions.


Members were informed that the new Government application form did not require an email address to be completed, which has improved accessibility and allowed for a faster and more responsive system. The Customer Service Lead reported that no negative feedback has been received regarding the new application system, and that there had been a significant reduction in the average phone call length between residents and Customer Service advisers since the changes were implemented.


It was reported that the next phase of the digitisation process was due to begin in early 2025 in collaboration with IT to establish further improvements that could be made to the service.


A Member asked what services are available to those without internet access or with limited skills with IT. The Head of Customer Service, Libraries and Culture responded that libraries within the Borough provide digital support, where residents can use or borrow a device from their local library to fill in the application form. Additionally, the Committee was informed that the service is willing to accommodate specific engagement sessions to support residents making applications.


In response to a question from a Member on how residents were supported when their conditions were variable, the Customer Service Lead informed the Committee that information was provided by medical professionals and residents’ applications were considered on a case-by-case basis.


The Committee was informed that a form filling service was offered by the Blue Badge team. This process would first establish with an applicant whether a relative was able to offer help, with a telephone form-filling appointment with a member of the team if this was not possible. These telephone appointments were taken at the resident’s pace, with interpreters available and 11 members of staff in the Customer Service Contact Centre trained to answer calls on Blue Badge applications. The Committee was informed that the timeline for processing Blue Badge applications was 6 weeks.


The Chair asked whether there was a limit on the numbers of residents who could hold Blue Badges; the Customer Service Lead confirmed that there was no limit, and that assessment took place on a case-by-case basis.


The Chair thanked the representatives for their report.



-          That the report be noted, along with ongoing planned improvements to the service, especially early indications that the new system has made a positive impact on the customer experience indicated by:

                        i.         The significant reduction in call lengths.

                       ii.         The volume of new applications received.

-          That a further update to Health Scrutiny be considered for late 2025/2026 to allow for a more detailed progress report.

-          That data on the average waiting time for phone calls regarding Blue Badge application be provided to the Committee.


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