Agenda item


To consider the following motions submitted in accordance with Procedure Rule 11:


a)     Motion submitted by the Labour Group – Locality Boards


        This Council is mindful of increasing disquiet from Trafford's community groups and panels regarding the format, membership and responsibilities to be delegated to new Locality Boards being introduced by the Trafford Strategic Partnership from April 2013.

        This Council is also concerned that existing representative bodies such as Town or Parish Councils and many Elected Members are being excluded in this new model. It is also concerning that there doesn't appear to be a commitment for all the Locality Partnerships to be held in open public session. There are real concerns also that there are no defined funding streams which will enable the Partnership Boards to operate effectively

This Council therefore calls for a temporary halt on the introduction of the Locality Partnership Boards until such time that the community concerns and Parish Council concerns and technical / democratic / financial issues are fully address to the satisfaction of all Members of this Council, and that a report be brought back to Council at the next full Council which addresses all of these concerns.


b)     Motion submitted by the Labour Group – Fire Service


        This Council has deep concern with regard to the letter sent out by Brandon Lewis, Communities and Local Government Parliamentary Under Secretary (Minister for Fire and Rescue Service) where he promotes a proposal to enable Fire and Rescue Authorities to contract out the full range of their services to a suitable provider, including a public service mutual.


        Clearly if this became law it would open the doors for the privatisation of the Fire and Rescue Service. We should not be introducing the profit motive into our emergency services. We pay tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of those on the front line, shareholder dividends have no place in that covenant.
In light of the above this Council calls on the Government to abandon any plans to privatise our Fire and Rescue Services now and in the future.


c)     Motion submitted by the Labour Group – Mersey Valley


        On 5 December 2011 the following resolution was made by this Council:


        ‘That in light of public concern with regard to the deterioration of Sale Water Park and its environment, we call on the Council to continue a wide ranging review of its existing maintenance and management of the Water Park, with a view to implementing a significant maintenance improvement for Sale Water Park’.


        There continues to be very considerable public concern at the continued deterioration of the Water Park and lack of investment designed to improve the facilities and environment currently exacerbated by the works being carried out to extend the Metrolink system and this Council’s announcement at the budget council meeting of their intention to cease contribution to the Mersey Valley Partnership from 2014 to save £117,000 and Groundforce cuts of £1.2 million over the next two years which includes the loss of 10 members of the Groundforce staff .


        It is quite clear the resolution agreed by this body on 5 December 2011 has not led to significant visual maintenance improvements and that unless urgent action is taken to remedy this, longer term the Council will face substantial costs to address maintenance issues impacting upon public health and safety.


        We therefore call on the Council, in the interests of all Sale Water Park users and visitors, to put right the broken promises of December 2011 and publish plans detailing the action that will be taken to ensure Sale Water Park and the surrounding Mersey Valley is protected for the benefit of Trafford residents and visitors from outside the area.


d)     Motion submitted by the Conservative Group – Grammar and High School System


        This Council recognises the considerable dedication and achievement of the teachers and pupils in Trafford's schools culminating in a Grammar and High School system which is ranked one of the best in the country for academic achievement. As such Trafford's primary school pupils are fortunate in being able to choose from excellent high and grammar schools.

This Council believes that all children should be given an equal footing, regardless of which primary school they come from, to enter the school of their choice. Furthermore the ability to obtain a place at a grammar school should not be determined by parents' ability to pay for specialist coaching.

Therefore this Council agrees to support primary schools that wish to provide the option (outside of the normal curriculum) of familiarisation with local grammar school entrance exams, for those children who seek a grammar school place. This Council agrees to offer advice and guidance to those schools that may wish to offer familiarisation to their pupils on this basis.


e)     Motion submitted by the Conservative Group – New Health Deal for Trafford


        This Council notes that the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt MP, has recently asked the Independent Reconfiguration Panel (IRP) to conduct an initial review of the referral by the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee of the New Health Deal for Trafford proposals.

This Council considers that, to ensure that local residents' and Health Scrutiny's views are fully considered, a full review of the proposals is required. This Council also believes, in view of the sensitivities around the proposal, that there should be no delay in setting up and determining the review.


f)      Motion submitted by the Labour Group – The Welfare Reform Act


        This Council is concerned that:


        The Welfare Reform Act will have devastating consequences on Trafford residents, increasing poverty, uprooting families, disrupting communities and taking millions of pounds out of the local economy.


        We further note that:


        The Housing Benefit rules on under occupancy and the introduction of Universal Credit will have a massive impact on social housing providers, cutting the amount of money they have to invest in homes and services to tenants.


        Council commends the work that has been done so far by registered social housing providers, the Revenue and Benefits Service, voluntary, resident and community organisations to identify potential problems and raise awareness in those tenants who will be affected.


        Council calls for this work to continue.


        The Council:


-     Calls on the Coalition Government to withdraw these punitive and short-sighted plans.


-          Calls on Trafford Tories to stand up for Trafford people and join us in the call to withdraw these reforms.


-          Asks the Chief Executive through the executive and scrutiny process to report back to Council regularly on the anticipated impact of these changes and what further action is being taken to alleviate the pressure on affected households.


g)     Motion submitted by the Labour Group – Nursing Staff Numbers


        This Council is extremely concerned about the falling number of nursing staff and nursing training places. As more and more nurses are lost it is becoming increasingly urgent that the Government take immediate action to address this growing crisis. This trend must be reversed if the Government is to respond to the recommendations of the Francis inquiry. Should this trend continue we are set to lose 12,000 nurses over the course of this parliament, the biggest impact being felt in A&E departments and with the care of the frail and elderly. This will continue to impact adversely on Trafford residents and across the Country if the Government do not change course.


        This Council calls for immediate intervention from Government to halt this worrying downward trend in nurse numbers to ensure patient care and safety is at the heart of our NHS.



The Mayor informed Members that 7 Motions had been submitted in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.


[Note: In view of the amount of business to be transacted and having consulted with the Group Leaders, the Mayor indicated that each Motion would be allocated an equal amount of time with the speaking rights being: a maximum of three minutes each for moving, seconding, the right of reply and 2 opposing Members; and a maximum of two minutes each for all other speakers.]


(a)    Motion submitted by the Labour Group – Locality Boards


It was moved and seconded that:


        “This Council is mindful of increasing disquiet from Trafford's community groups and panels regarding the format, membership and responsibilities to be delegated to new Locality Boards being introduced by the Trafford Strategic Partnership from April 2013.

        This Council is also concerned that existing representative bodies such as Town or Parish Councils and many Elected Members are being excluded in this new model. It is also concerning that there doesn't appear to be a commitment for all the Locality Partnerships to be held in open public session. There are real concerns also that there are no defined funding streams which will enable the Partnership Boards to operate effectively.

This Council therefore calls for a temporary halt on the introduction of the Locality Partnership Boards until such time that the community concerns and Parish Council concerns and technical / democratic / financial issues are fully address to the satisfaction of all Members of this Council, and that a report be brought back to Council at the next full Council which addresses all of these concerns.”


[Note: During the debate on the Motion, the time being 7.39 p.m., the Mayor indicated that, with the exception of the Member with the right of reply, all remaining speakers on this item would now be restricted to a maximum of one minute each.]


Following the debate, the Motion was put to the vote and declared lost.


(b)    Motion submitted by the Labour Group – Fire Service


[Note: As Chairman of the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service, Councillor Acton declared a personal interest in this item and remained in the meeting during consideration of the matter.]


It was moved and seconded that:


        “This Council has deep concern with regard to the letter sent out by Brandon Lewis, Communities and Local Government Parliamentary Under Secretary (Minister for Fire and Rescue Service) where he promotes a proposal to enable Fire and Rescue Authorities to contract out the full range of their services to a suitable provider, including a public service mutual.


        Clearly if this became law it would open the doors for the privatisation of the Fire and Rescue Service. We should not be introducing the profit motive into our emergency services. We pay tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of those on the front line, shareholder dividends have no place in that covenant.
In light of the above this Council calls on the Government to abandon any plans to privatise our Fire and Rescue Services now and in the future.”


In putting the Motion to the vote after the debate, a recorded vote was called for, in accordance with Procedure Rule 16.5. This resulted as follows:


Those in favour of the Motion: Councillors Acton, Adshead, Baugh, Bennett, Brotherton, Cordingley, Duffield, Freeman, Gratrix, Harding, Hynes, Jarman, Lloyd, Malik, O’Sullivan, Platt, Procter, Quayle, Ross, Smith, Stennett, S. Taylor, Walsh, A. Western and D. Western.


Those against the Motion: Councillors Anstee, Dr. Barclay, Miss Blackburn, Boyes, Mrs. Bruer-Morris, Bunting, Butt, Chilton, Colledge, Mrs. Cooke, Cornes, Coupe, Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Evans,  Higgins, Holden, Hyman, Lally, Lamb, Mitchell, Myers, J.R. Reilly, Mrs. Reilly, Rigby, Sharp, Shaw, Mrs. Ward, Weston, Whetton, Mrs. Wikinson, Williams and M. Young.


Those abstaining from voting: Councillors Bowker, Mrs. Brophy and Fishwick.


With the result of the vote being 25 in favour and 32 against, with 3 abstentions,the Motion was declared lost.


(c)    Motion submitted by the Labour Group – Mersey Valley


[Note: Councillors Freeman and Gratrix declared personal interests in this item being members of the Mersey Valley Joint Committee and remained in the meeting during consideration of the matter. In addition, Councillor A. Western, an employee of the engineering consultancy undertaking work for the Metrolink system, also declared a personal interest in this item and remained in the meeting during its consideration.]


It was moved and seconded that:


        “On 5 December 2011 the following resolution was made by this Council:


        ‘That in light of public concern with regard to the deterioration of Sale Water Park and its environment, we call on the Council to continue a wide ranging review of its existing maintenance and management of the Water Park, with a view to implementing a significant maintenance improvement for Sale Water Park’.


        There continues to be very considerable public concern at the continued deterioration of the Water Park and lack of investment designed to improve the facilities and environment currently exacerbated by the works being carried out to extend the Metrolink system and this Council’s announcement at the budget council meeting of their intention to cease contribution to the Mersey Valley Partnership from 2014 to save £117,000 and Groundforce cuts of £1.2 million over the next two years which includes the loss of 10 members of the Groundforce staff .


        It is quite clear the resolution agreed by this body on 5 December 2011 has not led to significant visual maintenance improvements and that unless urgent action is taken to remedy this, longer term the Council will face substantial costs to address maintenance issues impacting upon public health and safety.


        We therefore call on the Council, in the interests of all Sale Water Park users and visitors, to put right the broken promises of December 2011 and publish plans detailing the action that will be taken to ensure Sale Water Park and the surrounding Mersey Valley is protected for the benefit of Trafford residents and visitors from outside the area.”


It was moved and seconded as an amendment that:


“On 5 December 2011 the following resolution was made by this Council:


 ‘That in light of public concern with regard to the deterioration of Sale Water Park and its environment, we call on the Council to continue a wide ranging review of its existing maintenance and management of the Water Park, with a view to implementing a significant maintenance improvement for Sale Water Park’.


There is continuing public concern at the possibility of continued deterioration of the Water Park and lack of investment designed to improve the facilities and environment (currently exacerbated by the works being carried out to extend the Metrolink system) and this Council’s announcement at the budget council meeting of their intention to cease contribution to the Mersey Valley Partnership from 2014 to save £117,000 following the huge reduction in services provided by the wardens after the slash and burn tactics of Labour controlled Manchester when they disposed of 3 of the 4 individuals who had worked on the Trafford side of the river as part of the partnership deal.


It is quite clear the resolution agreed by this body on 5 December 2011 has not yet led to significant visible maintenance improvements. However, after protracted negotiations with Manchester City Council failed to find a sustainable solution to the areas problems, Trafford Council is now actively pursuing a new working model working with third parties similar to that developed within the Parks.


We therefore call on the Council, in the interests of all Sale Water Park users and visitors, to continue to work towards fulfilling the promises of December 2011 and where possible publish plans detailing the action that will be taken to ensure Sale Water Park and the surrounding Mersey Valley is protected for the benefit of Trafford residents and visitors from outside the area.”


Following a debate on the matter, the amendment was put to the vote and declared carried. Accordingly, the substantive Motion was then declared carried.


        RESOLVED: That on 5 December 2011 the following resolution was made by this Council:


 ‘That in light of public concern with regard to the deterioration of Sale Water Park and its environment, we call on the Council to continue a wide ranging review of its existing maintenance and management of the Water Park, with a view to implementing a significant maintenance improvement for Sale Water Park’.


There is continuing public concern at the possibility of continued deterioration of the Water Park and lack of investment designed to improve the facilities and environment (currently exacerbated by the works being carried out to extend the Metrolink system) and this Council’s announcement at the budget council meeting of their intention to cease contribution to the Mersey Valley Partnership from 2014 to save £117,000 following the huge reduction in services provided by the wardens after the slash and burn tactics of Labour controlled Manchester when they disposed of 3 of the 4 individuals who had worked on the Trafford side of the river as part of the partnership deal.


It is quite clear the resolution agreed by this body on 5 December 2011 has not yet led to significant visible maintenance improvements. However, after protracted negotiations with Manchester City Council failed to find a sustainable solution to the areas problems, Trafford Council is now actively pursuing a new working model working with third parties similar to that developed within the Parks.


We therefore call on the Council, in the interests of all Sale Water Park users and visitors, to continue to work towards fulfilling the promises of December 2011 and where possible publish plans detailing the action that will be taken to ensure Sale Water Park and the surrounding Mersey Valley is protected for the benefit of Trafford residents and visitors from outside the area.


(d)    Motion submitted by the Conservative Group – Grammar and High School System


It was moved and seconded that:


        “This Council recognises the considerable dedication and achievement of the teachers and pupils in Trafford's schools culminating in a Grammar and High School system which is ranked one of the best in the country for academic achievement. As such Trafford's primary school pupils are fortunate in being able to choose from excellent high and grammar schools.

This Council believes that all children should be given an equal footing, regardless of which primary school they come from, to enter the school of their choice. Furthermore the ability to obtain a place at a grammar school should not be determined by parents' ability to pay for specialist coaching.

Therefore this Council agrees to support primary schools that wish to provide the option (outside of the normal curriculum) of familiarisation with local grammar school entrance exams, for those children who seek a grammar school place. This Council agrees to offer advice and guidance to those schools that may wish to offer familiarisation to their pupils on this basis.”


Following a debate on the matter, the Motion was agreed with the unanimous consent of the Council.


        RESOLVED: That this Council recognises the considerable dedication and achievement of the teachers and pupils in Trafford's schools culminating in a Grammar and High School system which is ranked one of the best in the country for academic achievement. As such Trafford's primary school pupils are fortunate in being able to choose from excellent high and grammar schools.

This Council believes that all children should be given an equal footing, regardless of which primary school they come from, to enter the school of their choice. Furthermore the ability to obtain a place at a grammar school should not be determined by parents' ability to pay for specialist coaching.

Therefore this Council agrees to support primary schools that wish to provide the option (outside of the normal curriculum) of familiarisation with local grammar school entrance exams, for those children who seek a grammar school place. This Council agrees to offer advice and guidance to those schools that may wish to offer familiarisation to their pupils on this basis.


(e)    Motion submitted by the Conservative Group – New Health Deal for Trafford


[Note: Councillor Myers declared a personal interest in this item given that his business was contracted to provide services in the NHS and remained in the meeting during consideration of the matter. In addition, as her company was a consultancy in the NHS, Councillor Mrs. Cooke also declared a personal interest in this item and remained in the meeting during its consideration.]


It was moved and seconded that:


        “This Council notes that the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt MP, has recently asked the Independent Reconfiguration Panel (IRP) to conduct an initial review of the referral by the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee of the New Health Deal for Trafford proposals.

This Council considers that, to ensure that local residents' and Health Scrutiny's views are fully considered, a full review of the proposals is required. This Council also believes, in view of the sensitivities around the proposal, that there should be no delay in setting up and determining the review.”


[Note: During the debate on the Motion, the time being 8.51 p.m., the Mayor indicated that all remaining speakers on this item would now be restricted to a maximum of two minutes each.]


On completion of the debate on the matter, the Motion was agreed with the unanimous consent of the Council.


The Motion was put to the vote and declared carried.


        RESOLVED: That this Council notes that the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt MP, has recently asked the Independent Reconfiguration Panel (IRP) to conduct an initial review of the referral by the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee of the New Health Deal for Trafford proposals.

This Council considers that, to ensure that local residents' and Health Scrutiny's views are fully considered, a full review of the proposals is required. This Council also believes, in view of the sensitivities around the proposal, that there should be no delay in setting up and determining the review.


(f)     Motion submitted by the Labour Group – The Welfare Reform Act


It was moved and seconded that:


        “This Council is concerned that:


        The Welfare Reform Act will have devastating consequences on Trafford residents, increasing poverty, uprooting families, disrupting communities and taking millions of pounds out of the local economy.


        We further note that:


        The Housing Benefit rules on under occupancy and the introduction of Universal Credit will have a massive impact on social housing providers, cutting the amount of money they have to invest in homes and services to tenants.


        Council commends the work that has been done so far by registered social housing providers, the Revenue and Benefits Service, voluntary, resident and community organisations to identify potential problems and raise awareness in those tenants who will be affected.


        Council calls for this work to continue.


        The Council:


-     Calls on the Coalition Government to withdraw these punitive and short-sighted plans.


-          Calls on Trafford Tories to stand up for Trafford people and join us in the call to withdraw these reforms.


-          Asks the Chief Executive through the executive and scrutiny process to report back to Council regularly on the anticipated impact of these changes and what further action is being taken to alleviate the pressure on affected households.”


[Note: During the debate on the Motion, the time being 9.05 p.m., the Mayor indicated that all remaining speakers on this item would now be permitted a maximum of three minutes each.]


At the conclusion of the debate, the Motion was put to the vote and declared lost.


(g)    Motion submitted by the Labour Group – Nursing Staff Numbers


[Note: Councillor Mrs. Bruer-Morris declared a personal interest in this item as a nurse working in the NHS and remained in the meeting during consideration of the matter.]


It was moved and seconded that:


        “This Council is extremely concerned about the falling number of nursing staff and nursing training places. As more and more nurses are lost it is becoming increasingly urgent that the Government take immediate action to address this growing crisis. This trend must be reversed if the Government is to respond to the recommendations of the Francis inquiry. Should this trend continue we are set to lose 12,000 nurses over the course of this parliament, the biggest impact being felt in A&E departments and with the care of the frail and elderly. This will continue to impact adversely on Trafford residents and across the Country if the Government do not change course.


        This Council calls for immediate intervention from Government to halt this worrying downward trend in nurse numbers to ensure patient care and safety is at the heart of our NHS.”


[Note: During the debate on the Motion, the time being 9.20 p.m., the Mayor indicated that all remaining speakers on this item would now be restricted to a maximum of two minutes each.]


At the conclusion of the debate, the Motion was put to the vote and declared lost.