Issue - decisions

Agreement for the Delivery of Section 1b of the Manchester to Chorlton Walking and Cycling Scheme with Manchester City Council a Cycle City Ambitions Grant Phase 2 (CCAG2) Funded Scheme

24/09/2020 - Agreement for the Delivery of Section 1b of the Manchester to Chorlton Walking and Cycling Scheme with Manchester City Council a Cycle City Ambitions Grant Phase 2 (CCAG2) Funded Scheme

1. That the content of the report be noted.

2. That authority be delegated to the Corporate Director of Governance and Community Strategy, in consultation with the Corporate Director for Place, to complete an agreement pursuant to section 8 Highways Act 1980  with Manchester City Council.


3. That it be noted that associated Traffic Regulation Orders are to be progressed pursuant to the usual TMU process for introduction of Traffic Regulation Orders to support the scheme.