Issue - decisions



1)    The Executive notes the contents of the report.


2)    That the Executive approve the proposed immediate interim measures, as detailed in section 6.1 of the report, as the basis of assessment of all new claims made by those in receipt of UC with eligible childcare costs.


3)    The Executive approves the proposal that the wording for the Council’s CTRS 24/25 should be the same wording as contained in the current CTRS 23/24, and that the Council should apply the 24/25 CTRS to claims generally but operationally assess claims made by those in receipt of Universal Credit with eligible childcare costs in accordance with the strict wording in the 22/23 CTRS, which will instead be applied to ensure that such claimants are not assessed any less favourably.


4)    The Executive approves the proposed scope of claims detailed in section 6.3 of the report.


5)    The Executive approves the proposal to undertake individual reassessments of each claim that is in scope of the restitution exercise.


6)    The Executive approves the proposals detailed in section 6.5 of the report in respect of engaging with in-scope claimants.