
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Executive (at meetings or by individual Executive Members) since May 2013.

Officer decisions are also included in this section. Planning and Building Control decisions can be found in the planning section of the Council's website.

Decisions published

11/07/2022 - Trafford Affordable Housing Fund Proposed Amendment ref: 1133    Recommendations Approved

An amendment to the Trafford Affordable Housing Fund is proposed to allow the Fund to be used to bring empty homes* back into use as affordable social rented properties. The amendment would further increase the provision of social rented accommodation across the borough.


*An empty property is defined as being vacant for 5 or more years and can be either be private, Registered Provider or Council owned.

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Housing and Neighbourhoods

Decision published: 18/07/2022

Effective from: 26/07/2022


That the Trafford Affordable Housing Fund be amended to allow Registered Providers or the Council, to bid for grant to assist with bringing empty homes back into use as social rented accommodation.

11/07/2022 - Draft Supported Housing Strategy 2022-2027 Consultation ref: 1132    Recommendations Approved

Supported housing provides a vital service for vulnerable people and has a critical role in supporting people who are vulnerable and disadvantaged because of age, ill-health, disability, or their circumstances and cannot live independently. Appropriate housing is a crucial element of preventative services and is necessary to allow those who require support to receive it in a settled and secure environment. 


Through extensive consultation, the Draft Supported Housing Strategy has gained an understanding of what is required to help individuals with support needs thrive and this has formed the basis of this Draft Strategy; the focus is on promoting independence and ensuring adequate support and housing is available to those who need it, when they need it.


The Draft Supported Housing Strategy’s proposed recommendations are designed to respond to both the current and future needs of Trafford’s residents with support needs. The recommendations have been identified in the context of the Council’s Corporate Priorities, the Trafford Housing Strategy (2018-2023), GM Housing Strategy and discussions with key stakeholders. There is significant potential for partnership working with a range of public and voluntary agencies and private organisations to help in its delivery.

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Housing and Neighbourhoods

Decision published: 18/07/2022

Effective from: 26/07/2022


That a six-week public consultation of the draft Supported Housing Strategy 2022-2027, be approved in order to obtain views and opinions to shape the final version.

14/06/2022 - Ash Grove, Bowdon – Proposed Waiting Restrictions ref: 1129    Recommendations Approved

In August 2021 a set of waiting restrictions was introduced on Grange Road, South Downs Road, York Road, Eaton Road and Ash Grove, Bowdon to address issues of road safety and obstructive parking.


During the advertisement of the proposals, which was carried out in June 2020, objections were received to some elements of the proposals. It was then agreed to implement new No Waiting At Any Time restrictions around the junction of Ash Grove and York Road. The Council has subsequently been contacted by residents of Ash Grove, Bowdon regarding the emptying of the waste bins. Unfortunately, due to vehicles continuing to park inappropriately along the cul-de-sac, including on the footway, the refuge vehicles have been prevented from accessing properties on Ash Grove.


It is considered that new waiting restrictions would help improve access for all vehicles, including refuge vehicles, to manoeuvre and access each property on Ash Grove, Bowdon.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director Place

Decision published: 13/07/2022

Effective from: 14/06/2022


1.          That authorisation be given to advertise the intention to introduce the Traffic Regulation Order as detailed in the Schedule to the report and that, if no objections are maintained, the Order be made and implemented in whole or in part, as soon as is practicable.


2.          That any objections maintained be reported back for consideration.

Lead officer: Dorothy Stagg