
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Executive (at meetings or by individual Executive Members) since May 2013.

Officer decisions are also included in this section. Planning and Building Control decisions can be found in the planning section of the Council's website.

Decisions published

20/12/2018 - North Altrincham Parking Scheme: Proposed Residents Permit Parking Scheme, Waiting Restrictions & One Way Traffic Order - Consideration of Objections ref: 765    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Environmental Services

Decision published: 02/01/2019

Effective from: 10/01/2019


1. That the results of the consultation be noted.


2. That following careful consideration of the objections and comments received, authorisation be given to make and introduce the Traffic Regulation Order as detailed in Schedules 1 & 2 to the report, as advertised and as shown on drawing CO00201170-D-TRO-NAPS-01, 02, 03, 04 and 04 within the report, as soon as is practicable.


3. That the objectors be notified of this decision.

Lead officer: Richard Roe

17/12/2018 - PROPOSED USE OF THE FORMER BRENTWOOD SCHOOL SITE ref: 764    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 17/12/2018 - Executive

Decision published: 21/12/2018

Effective from: 03/01/2019


1. That the former Brentwood School site be removed from the Strategic Land Review Programme.

2. That Trafford High School and Medical Education Centre be relocated to Brentwood School.

3. That the Trafford High School and Trafford Medical Education Centre sites be placed on the Strategic Land Review Programme.

4. That consultation, as detailed in the report, shall continue in respect of implementation of the above decisions and associated transitional arrangements.