
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Executive (at meetings or by individual Executive Members) since May 2013.

Officer decisions are also included in this section. Planning and Building Control decisions can be found in the planning section of the Council's website.

Decisions published

29/11/2018 - Proposal for Trafford Fab Lab ref: 760    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration

Decision published: 04/12/2018

Effective from: 29/11/2018


1. That approval be given to the proposal to grant a lease as detailed in the report.


2. That approval be given to the proposal to grant a Tenancy at Will as detailed in the report.


3. That approval be given to the asset transfer proposal as detailed in the report. 


4. That authority be delegated to the Corporate Director of Place and the Corporate Director of Governance and Community Strategy to agree the terms for the grant of the Tenancy at Will and the lease.


5. That, for the reasons set out in the report, this decision be deemed to be urgent, and not subject to call-in.

Lead officer: Martin Ledson

28/11/2018 - Minutes ref: 763    For Determination

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 28/11/2018 - Council

Decision published: 28/11/2018

Effective from: 28/11/2018


That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 26 September 2018, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


21/11/2018 - Centenary Field Dedication: Newton Park, Timperley ref: 759    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Environmental Services

Decision published: 27/11/2018

Effective from: 05/12/2018


1. That selected land within Newton Park be dedicated to Fields In Trust.

2. That the Corporate Director, Governance & Community Strategy be authorised to complete the Deed of Dedication and all other steps necessary to effect the dedication of the land.

Lead officer: Richard Roe

20/11/2018 - Revision of Application Validation Checklist ref: 758    Recommendations Approved

To authorise the adoption of a revised Validation Checklist, in light of the fact, that no significant alterations arose from the consultation.

Decision Maker: Head of Planning and Development

Decision published: 23/11/2018

Effective from: 20/11/2018


That following consultation, the revised Validation Checklist be adopted.

Lead officer: Stephen Day

21/11/2018 - Draft Homelessness Strategy 2019-2024 ref: 757    Recommendations Approved

The Draft Homelessness Strategy (2019-2024) has been developed to identify the key priorities and the actions required to deliver them by the Council and other key public and private stakeholders.


The Draft Strategy identifies measures to deliver the Council’s Corporate Objectives of ‘Services Focused on the Most Vulnerable People’, ‘Economic Growth and Development’ and ‘Safe Place to Live’. It complements the Trafford Housing Strategy 2018-2023, plays a key role in delivering the priorities set in the emerging Greater Manchester Housing Strategy and the requirements of the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017.

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Communities and Housing

Decision published: 22/11/2018

Effective from: 30/11/2018


That the Draft Homelessness Strategy 2019-2024 be approved for a 6 week period of consultation.

Lead officer: Caroline Siddall