Issue details

Draft Housing Strategy 2018-2023

The Housing Strategy has been developed to identify the key housing priorities for the borough and the measures required to deliver them by the Council and other key public and private stakeholders.


The Housing Strategy identifies key interventions required to meet current and future housing need in Trafford and to address a number of supply and demand challenges. The interventions have been identified in the context of the Council’s Corporate Objectives, Trafford Vision 2031, GM growth ambitions as articulated in the GMSF and GMS, and discussions with key stakeholders.


The Housing Strategy coupled with the Vision, Corporate Objectives, Trafford Economic and Housing Growth Framework and the wider GM strategic arena, forms a comprehensive and fully joined up approach to delivering future housing growth to benefit Trafford’s residents.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/02/2018

Decision due: 13 Feb 2018 by Executive Member for Housing and Strategic Planning

Lead member: Executive Member for Housing and Strategic Planning

Lead director: Corporate Director Economic Growth and Environmental Infrastructure

Department: Economic Growth and Environmental Infrastructure

Contact: Stephen James, Head of Strategic Growth Email: Tel: 0161 912 4330.
