Forward plan

Notice of Key Decisions / Exempt Items - Executive Meeting 27/1/20  (23/12/2019 to 27/01/2020)

Plan description

EXECUTIVE meeting – 27TH JANUARY 2020



The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012


Notice of Intention to Take Key Decisions / Decisions in Private Session



Notice is hereby given in accordance with Regulation 5 and 9 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 that it is intended that, at its Meeting on 27th January 2020, the Executive will take the Key Decisions / Decisions in private session as set out on the appended schedules. 




Corporate Director, Governance & Community Strategy


Date: 23rd December 2019


summary of key AND / OR private decisions


(Further details on following pages)






Subject Area for Decision

Anticipated date of decision


Decision Taker


Trafford Civic Quarter Area Action Plan (AAP) and Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)

27 January 2020





Investing In Children

27 January 2020






Date or period of decision:  27 January 2020


Subject of the Decision



Trafford Civic Quarter Area Action Plan (AAP) and Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO).


The report seeks approval to commence Regulation 18 consultation on the Civic Quarter AAP which has been prepared to ensure that the scale of development and change proposed for the area to 2037 and beyond, is positively managed and guided by a robust planning framework. The report also seeks approval in principle approval to utilise the Council’s compulsory purchase order (CPO) powers to acquire land to facilitate the delivery of the Civic Quarter AAP. 


Decision maker

Executive (Councillors Western, Hynes, Adshead, Freeman, Harding, Patel, Ross, Slater, Whitham, Wright)


Documents already submitted in relation to this matter




Documents to be submitted to the decision-maker for consideration.


Report of the Executive Member for Housing and Regeneration to be submitted.

Is this a Key Decision? (Regulation 9)



Is this a confidential item, and if so, on what grounds? (Regulation 5)


A report covering non-confidential aspects of the proposals will be submitted.


An associated report is likely to contain “exempt Information” and is therefore NOT FOR PUBLICATION by virtue of Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A, Part I, Paragraph 3.


Availability of documents



The public report referred to above should be published on the Council’s website on or around 17th January 2020. (Alternatively contact Trafford Democratic Services (0161 912 4298). The report containing exempt information is not for publication, as per Regulation 5 above.     


Contact Name & Tel. No.


Richard Roe, Corporate Director of Place Tel: 0161 912 4265

Mike Reed, Strategic Growth Manager Tel: 0161 912 4924





Date or period of decision: 27 January 2020 


Subject of the Decision


Investing In Children


This decision relates to increased funding for Children’s Services to enhance the offer to children and families at the earliest stage of need. This will be achieved by expanding our Early Help and Intensive Family Support as well as investing in staff, IT and support systems across the authority.


Decision maker



Executive (Councillors A. Western, Adshead, Freeman, Harding, Hynes, Patel, Ross, Slater, Whitham and Wright)


Documents already submitted in relation to this matter


None at present

Documents to be submitted to the decision-maker for consideration.


Report of the Executive Councillor for Children’s Social Care to be submitted.

Is this a Key Decision? (Regulation 9)



Is this a confidential item, and if so, on what grounds? (Regulation 5)





Availability of documents



The report referred to above should be published on the Council’s website on or around 17th January 2020. (Alternatively contact Trafford Democratic Services (0161 912 4298).       


Contact Name & Tel. No.


Ged Rowney, Interim Director of Children’s Services, 0161 912 4095


Plan items

No items found.