Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/07/2019 - Accounts and Audit Committee (Item 21)

21 BUDGET MONITORING 2019/20 - PERIOD 2 (APRIL - MAY 2019) pdf icon PDF 463 KB

To consider a report of the Executive Member for Finance and Investment and of the Corporate Director, Finance and Systems.


The Executive Member for Finance and Investment and the Corporate Director of Finance and Systems submitted a report which informed Members of the current 2019/20 forecast outturn figures relating to both Revenue and Capital budgets. It also summarised the latest forecast position for Council Tax and Business Rates within the Collection Fund. Members were advised that the position had also been reported to the July meeting of the Executive. The officers drew Members’ attention to key current variances, such as in relation to demand-led social care budgets and the capital programme, whilst noting that it was still very early in the financial year, and setting out broad details of potential mitigation measures as the year progressed.


RESOLVED - That the content of the report, the changes to the Capital Programme as detailed in paragraph 16 and the capitalisation of interest costs on the Brown St, Hale redevelopment scheme as detailed in Paragraph 24, be noted.