Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/06/2021 - Executive (Item 11)


Any other item or items which by reason of:-


(a)       Regulation 11 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the Chairman of the meeting, with the agreement of the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairman, is of the opinion should be considered at this meeting as a matter of urgency as it relates to a key decision; or


(b)       special circumstances (to be specified) the Chairman of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered at this meeting as a matter of urgency.


(a) Her Majesty The Queen’s Birthday Honours


[Note: The Leader of the Council agreed to allow this item of Urgent Business in order to permit prompt notification to be given to Members.]


On behalf of the Executive, the Leader of the Council expressed his congratulations to those residents of the Borough, and others having connections with it, who had received honours in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list, including Tony Lloyd, M.P., a former Member of Council, who had been knighted, and Theresa Grant, former Chief Executive, who had been awarded an O.B.E.