Agenda item



Dr Nigel Guest spoke on the report which had been sent to the Committee. The report covered the performance of UHSM and CMFT and services related to the New Health Deal for Trafford. Dr Guest drew particular attention to the delayed transfers of care and detailed the work that Trafford CCG and UHSM had been doing in order to tackle the issue.


Stephen Gardner informed the Committee that whilst CMFT had not hit their main targets they had achieved their recovery targets. CMFT anticipated reaching the 95% less than 4 hour waiting time target by the end of the year.


Members asked a number of questions relating to the report including access to and pricing of nursing homes within Trafford, the levels of investment in mental health services and the financial deficits of the NHS trusts. Members received detailed answers to their questions apart from the question on the deficit at UHSM for which a written response would be sent to the Committee.


Gina Lawrence then delivered a presentation to the Committee on the proposals for changes to the Urgent Care Centre. The presentation covered two models, one which was the same as the model drawn up in the New Health Deal for Trafford and another which had been developed using the data that had been gathered since the consultation.


The presentation also put forward the option of closing the UCC at 8pm rather than midnight due to a lack of attendance at the UCC after 8pm. Committee members commented that some of the data was unclear; in response a commitment was given that accurate data would be provided as soon as it was available.


The Committee were informed that the two models would be presented to the Integrated Care Redesign Board (ICRB) on the 19 July. Following the ICRB choosing it’s preferred model, detailed proposals would be developed and be available for consideration by the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee in September.


Councillors posed a series of questions regarding the two models and the reduction of care, to which responses were given. Questions relating to the recent closure of the Gynea Assessment Unit would require follow up information from CMFT regarding the impact of the closure on the service at St Mary’s.


The Chair commented that the general view of the meeting was that the proposed Model Two is preferable to Model One (which itself is Model Three from the original plans); and that, if the opening hours of the Urgent Care Centre are to be reduced, then the closing time for the public should be no earlier than 10 pm rather than the suggested 8pm. However, a formal decision would be made on the final proposals at the next meeting.




1) That the representatives from the NHS be thanked for their attendance.

2) Members of the Committee are to be sent copies of the recent communications regarding the Urgent Care Centre (UCC) including social media and letters sent to GP’s and Commissioning Centres.

3) That the Committee continue to receive performance reports on the implementation of the New Health Deal for Trafford.

4) Trafford CCG are to provide the Committee with possible dates for the next meeting in September following the ICRB decision regarding the UCC.

5) Information on St Mary’s and the impact of closing the Gynae Assessment Unit at Trafford General to be sent to members.