Agenda item

Questions By Members

This is an opportunity for Members of Council to ask the Mayor, Members of the Executive or the Chairman of any Committee or Sub-Committee a question on notice under Procedure Rule 10.2.


The Mayor reported that 3 questions had been received under Procedure Rule 10.2.


(a)        Councillor Lally asked the following question for which he had given notice:


“In light of the Government Budget statement delivered to the House of Commons on 19March.


Details were released to directly assist Local Councils with an extra £200 million to combat Pot Holes, of which an estimated £30 million will help improve road surfaces in the North West.


I am aware Trafford has a detailed programme of road improvement and investment.


However extra cash earmarked to fund such projects should be always welcomed.


Please can I ask the Executive Member for Highways, what provision has been made to access this money?” 


Councillor Mitchell, Executive Member for Highways and Environment reported that it had been announced that Trafford’s share of the funding would be £234,953 and that the Council would publish on its website details of how and where the money would be spent. In addition, the Executive Member referred to the announcement in the Budget statement of further assistance in 2014/15. Councillor Mitchell indicated that funding would be allocated by way of a bidding procedure and at that time, the details of the process were awaited.


Responding to Councillor Lally’s supplementary question regarding the financial foundations of the Government’s budget, Councillor Mitchell was in accord and believed it to have been prepared on a real accounting basis.


(b)        Councillor Smith asked the following question for which he had given notice:


“Does the Executive Member for Communities believe that as presently constituted, and with particular regard to disbursing grants, locality partnerships are best serving Trafford residents?”


Councillor Coupe, Executive Member for Safe and Strong Communities confirmed that he did believe locality partnerships provided a vital framework which reduced duplication of funding, delivered greater value for money and offered a link to the decision making process. The feedback he had received indicated that local people wished to get involved in making decisions and with attendances up at recent events compared to previous years, locality partnerships were well placed to serve Trafford residents as they seek to involve residents in final decisions.


As a supplementary question, Councillor Smith asked the Executive Member whether he believed the current process was accountable and safe from exploitation. Councillor Coupe reassured the Council that every application was considered fairly and that partnerships were involved in decisions so that they were not taken behind closed doors. Hoping that Members would embrace locality partnerships, Councillor Coupe indicated his willingness to speak to Councillor Smith and receive any valid comments. 


(c)        Councillor Denise Western asked the following question for which she had given notice:


“What steps are Trafford Council taking to incorporate the Equality and Human Rights Commission's ‘Buying Better Outcomes’ guidance in assessing the background and practices of organisations seeking to tender for the provision of goods and services in Trafford?”


Councillor Williams, Executive Member for Transformation and Resources advised that the guidance was recognised in the commissioning and procurement activities of the Council. Equality Impact Assessments were undertaken and were a record of the Council’s duty. The Council also asked organisations for statements of practice which are taken into account when deciding on contracts. Councillor Williams indicated that there was considerable information and that he was happy to facilitate any further queries.