Agenda item


To consider a revised report from Trafford CCG and information requested from Trafford CCG at previous meetings of the committee.


Representatives from Trafford CCG, CMFT, NHS England and UHSM will be

in attendance to provide an update to the Joint Committee on progress.



The Committee welcomed Dr Nigel Guest, Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group, Gina Lawrence, Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group; Julie Crossley, Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG); Silas Nichols, University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust (UHSM) and Julia Bridgewater, Central Manchester Foundation Trust (CMFT). The Chair informed the Committee that

apologies had been received from NHS England.

Dr Guest introduced the report submitted by Trafford CCG which provided current

performance data against national targets for Accident and Emergency activity. He

said that performance figures and activity are broadly in line with the planned figures.

The Committee welcomed the report.

In response to a question from a member regarding the Falls Service redesign Ms

Crossley responded by saying that this work is being delivered through the Better

Care Fund. She said that it is still a relatively new model and it is being developed

further. Members requested further information regarding the Falls Service redesign

is circulated to members of the Committee.

In response to a question from members regarding changes to the delivery of district

nursing, Ms Lawrence said that this is being undertaken to modernise the delivery of

district nursing and that recruitment activity to deliver this service is ongoing.

The Chair said that the Committee had continued to seek assurances that the £12M

capital investment for the Accident and Emergency Department at UHSM would not

be compromised as a result of the Healthier Together decision. He invited Mr Nichols

from UHSM to address this point specifically and further provide an update on

developments and activity at UHSM.

Mr Nichols said that the £12M capital investment for the Accident and Emergency

Department at UHSM was not compromised by the Healthier Together decision and

they were committed to delivering this project. He said that regrettably there had

been delays with this project and he acknowledged the frustrations expressed by the

elected members as a result of this. He informed the Committee that work is

expected to begin in January 2016 and is expected to be completed in 18 months.

The Committee requested that reports are submitted to each future meeting of the

Committee which describes the progress in the implementation of the12M capital

investment for the Accident and Emergency Department at UHSM.

Mr Nichols said that, whilst performance targets remain challenging, attendance

figures remain broadly in line with the projected figures, however they have

experienced an increase in admissions. He said that the surgical bed capacity;

medical beds and a new Investigations and Treatment Unit at UHSM will be

operational from this month. He explained that whilst the recruitment of nurses

remains a challenge, to ensure that these additional beds can be used safely, this is

being addressed by offering attractive training and employment packages to nurses.

Members welcomed the additional bed capacity at UHSM and requested future

reports include analysis of the impact of these.

Mr Nichols described the work of the Frailty Unit that had been established at UHSM.

He said that this Unit ensures that patients are assessed to ensure that they receive

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