Issue - decisions

MCF Talbot Road Active Travel Scheme

01/06/2023 - MCF Talbot Road Active Travel Scheme

a)    That the acceptance and spend of the £4,751,389 Mayoral Challenge Fund (MCF) funding allocation for the implementation of the Talbot Road Active Travel Scheme be approved.


b)    That the delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Place to negotiate and finalise the grant agreement, construction contract and any other contract or document required to implement this decision be approved.


c)    That the delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Executive Member for Climate Change to award the contract to the recommended Contractor for the Scheme once an agreed delivery agreement is in place be approved.


d)    That the delegation of authority to the Director of Legal and Governance to enter into any contracts or other documents required to implement this decision be approved.


e)    That the indicative programme of works for 2023/24 which would achieve the delivery of the Talbot Road Active Travel Scheme be noted.


f)      That the urgency provisions in respect of this decision as detailed in the report be approved; and


g)    That it be approved that, based on the urgency provisions, this decision shall not be subject to the call-in process.