
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Executive (at meetings or by individual Executive Members) since May 2013.

Officer decisions are also included in this section. Planning and Building Control decisions can be found in the planning section of the Council's website.

Decisions published

19/04/2021 - Grange Road, York Road, Ash Grove & Eaton Road, Bowdon: Proposed Waiting Restrictions - Objections Report ref: 1024    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Environmental Services

Decision published: 24/05/2021

Effective from: 02/06/2021


1.  That the results of the consultation be noted.


2. That following careful consideration of the objection and comments received, authorisation be given to overrule the objections received and introduce the Traffic Regulation Order as advertised as described in schedule 1 and as shown on drawing number E9066B within the report, as soon as is practicable.


3. That the objectors be notified of the Council’s decision.

Lead officer: Richard Roe

19/04/2021 - Proposed Amendment to the Borough of Trafford (Parking Places) (Charges) Order 2001 and the Borough of Trafford (Off-Street Car Parks) Order 2001 - Various Changes ref: 1022    Recommendations Approved

The Council has provided low cost parking across the borough to help maintain a high level of visitors and local support to businesses and other facilities. A review of the current charges has been undertaken and the Council has put forward a proposed revision of tariffs that it feels will still encourage visitor numbers and support local service users.

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Environmental Services

Decision published: 26/04/2021

Effective from: 05/05/2021



(1)       That authorisation be given to advertise the intention to amend the Borough of Trafford (Parking Places) (Charges) Order 2001, as amended, as detailed in the report and that, if no objections are maintained, the order be made, in whole or in part, and implemented, as soon as is practicable.


(2)       That authorisation be given to advertise the intention to amend the Borough of Trafford (Off-Street Car Parks) Order 2001, as amended, as detailed in the report and that, if no objections are maintained, the order be made, in whole or in part, and implemented, as soon as is practicable.


(3)       That the 2020 Notice and proposals be formally withdrawn and the objector be notified accordingly.


(4)       That any objections to the changes be reported back for consideration.

Lead officer: Nicola Henry

13/04/2021 - Winstanley Road Area, Sale - Proposed Amendment to Permit S Parking Scheme and Associated New and Amended Waiting Restrictions ref: 1023    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Director Place

Decision published: 20/04/2021

Effective from: 13/04/2021


1.     That authorisation be given to advertise the intention to introduce the Traffic Regulation Order, as detailed in drawing numbers E9249-01 to 06 appended to the report and that, if no objections are maintained, the order be made and implemented in whole or in part, as soon as is practicable.


2.     That any objections maintained be reported back for consideration.

Lead officer: Dorothy Stagg