Venue: Committee Rooms 2 & 3, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford M32 0TH
Contact: Harry Callaghan, Democratic Officer
No. | Item |
MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMITTEE 2024/25 To note the Membership of the Committee for the 2024/25 Municipal Year including the appointment of Chair and Vice Chair. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the membership of the Committee be noted. |
COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE 2024/25 To note the Terms of Reference of the Committee for the 2024/25 Municipal Year. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Committee Terms of Reference be noted. |
To receive and, if so determined, to agree as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2024.
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held 13th March 2024 be agreed as an accurate record. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to give notice of any interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. Minutes: No declarations were made. |
QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated to public questions submitted in writing to Democratic Services ( by 4 p.m. on the working day prior to the meeting. Questions must be relevant to items appearing on the agenda and will be submitted in the order in which they were received. Minutes: No questions were received. |
EXECUTIVE RESPONSE TO ACCESS TO COUNCIL SERVICES SCRUTINY REPORT To receive the response to the Scrutiny report submitted to the Executive on the 11th December 2023. Minutes: [Note: Due to officer availability, agenda item 10 was moved up the agenda, with all other items following in the same order, as set out in the agenda] The Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director of Strategy and Resources introduced the report on behalf of the Executive Member for Finance, Change and Governance who was unable to attend. There had been acknowledgement from all Council services that residents needed to be able to contact the Council as easily as possible. The Committee were informed that the Council was taking a digital first approach, however, the other approaches to contact were also being considered. The Corporate Director referred to section three of the report which outlined the Council’s aims to enhance the contact services within the Council. It was the intention that these were to come to fruition in 2024/25, with some coming in in 2026. Members’ attention was drawn to the several activities already underway and outlined in the report. The expectation was that this would create a more accessible and advanced system, whether that be through the contact centre, email, or webforms. Councillor Hartley enquired as to how the Committee and Council measures the success of the new processes. Councillor Hartley asked whether this would include data and a published service standard. The Corporate Director of Strategy and Resources responded that in previous discussions with Scrutiny, certain areas of the Council already had service-level agreements (SLAs) in place. The Corporate Director did however highlight that difficulty did come from when the service did not have a customer relationship management system (CRM), that would allow the Council to track traffic in and out of the Council services. The Corporate Director reassured the Committee that assurances would continue to be given to Scrutiny and the relevant Executive Members through those SLA agreements. Councillor Jones referred to section 3.4 of the report, saying that a new content management system (CMS) would be implemented “by during 2025”, asking whether this meant by 2025 or at some point in the year. The Corporate Director of Strategy and Resource confirmed that this was during 2025. Councillor Axford raised concern about phone numbers not being available on the website, and felt it was important that as part of this work, phone numbers for different services were made available. Councillor Frass felt the original purpose of the Scrutiny work was to look at the quick wins and asked if a breakdown of the quick wins was possible. Councillor Frass was, however, glad to see that the report had identified a bigger piece of work was required. The Corporate Director of Strategy and Resource responded that whilst things might appear as quick wins, they were often not as simple as that. However, in reference to section three of the report, the Corporate Director hoped that this showed that much of the work requested as quick wins, was already underway. The Corporate Director suggested returning in 12-months’ time to Scrutiny, giving an update on how the work had ... view the full minutes text for item 37. |
LEADER OF THE COUNCIL'S PRIORITIES AND CORPORATE PLAN 2024/27 To receive a verbal report from the Leader of the Council. Minutes: The Leader of the Council provided a summary overview of the presentation shared with the agenda. The previous Corporate Plan was running out in 2024 and the Leader outlined the former priorities which formed this plan. Following the issues caused by the pandemic, the Leader felt it pertinent to refresh and have a new plan which looked to the future. The new Corporate Plan now included five priorities, with two additional priorities added to the three from the former plan. The first of these, providing the best start for children and young people, had been formed, in part, due to the impact felt by young people during the pandemic. The Leader felt that the youngest members of the Borough had given up the greatest sacrifice during the pandemic and were met with significant uncertainty growing up. The second new priority, the Leader outlined, was to celebrate the cultural power of the Borough of Trafford. The Leader highlighted the rich heritage within the borough, with several streams of work possible for the Council to operate as a key stakeholder. The Leader noted the ‘we wills’ that sat behind each priority, adding that one additional ‘we will’ had been added to the children and young people priority, which was including the voice of the child. Added further, the Leader recognised the journey the new Corporate Plan had been on, starting in Summer 2023, hoping that it would be signed off at the Council meeting on the 17th July. Concluding, the Leader was pleased to recognise the consultation process, which had returned 77% of residents who responded, either strongly agreeing or agreeing with the priorities set out. The Chair was pleased to see such a strong consensus to the plan and asked how the Council planned to assess and monitor the progress of the Corporate Plan. The Leader of the Council responded that the Council was looking to reflect the things that were within its control. Periodical updates were to come to the Executive on the performance of the plan, with a RAG rating being used to rate performance against the targets set. Councillor Axford felt the plan was good and very clear. Councillor Axford was unsure how the Council could measure whether residents were happy, and asked how it would be. Councillor Axford was glad to see the culture, sport, and heritage priority. Finally, on climate change, Councillor Axford felt there was too much focus on ‘greening’ Trafford Park, suggesting that housing and transport emissions too, need to be looked at. Councillor Axford also felt there was too much focus on adaptation in the climate crisis priority, and felt the Council needed to be proactive rather than reactive. The Leader recognised that there may be better ways of measuring wellbeing rather than the word happy, however, stressed that the Council wanted to ensure that people enjoyed living in the Borough, making wellbeing crucial to what the Council did. On ‘greening’ Trafford Park, the Leader of the Council highlighted the difference of ... view the full minutes text for item 38. |
CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW 2024 To consider a report of the Constitutional Working Group from the Monitoring Officer Minutes: The Director of Legal and Governance and Monitoring Officer provided a brief summary of the report from the Constitutional Working Group (CWG) with the objective being to improve the quality of debate at the Council meetings. The Committee were referred to section five of the report where the Constitutional amendments had been laid out. The Committee were also informed that the report had been to Standards Committee, who had agreed to the recommendations in section 6.3, and suggested one further recommendation in section 6.4 of the report. The Director added that point two of these recommendations had already been agreed by the CWG, with point two also expected to be accepted. The Committee were asked to agree the recommendations as set out by the CWG, as well as the additional one from Standards. The Chair felt the Council meetings did need this piece of work undertaking and thanked the CWG for doing so. Councillor Axford questioned why questions from Councillors even came to Council meeting and was more concerned that the meeting did not included questions from the Public. Regarding petitions, Councillor Axford asked whether residents could be assured that these would be publicised the same as if they were going to full Council. Finally, Councillor Axford asked whether it was discussed to limit the number of speeches during Motions. Regarding questions, the Director responded that it had been discussed during a previous review, which felt that it brought transparency and was appropriate. It had been discussed by the CWG; however, it was felt that questions remained appropriate, with the first measure being to control the number of questions asked at the meetings. In terms of petitions, the Director and Monitoring Officer confirmed that the petition scheme procedure would be carried over, with every party being notified of petitions to ensure Members can attend the Executive if they would like. Several different options were considered around controlling the meeting, accepting that 30 second speeches were not effective, with the Director of Legal and Governance confirming that the recommendations were where the group had landed on this, with the intention that it would be reviewed in six months. Councillor Coggins noted that the report was not circulated to the CWG before it was published. Councillor Coggins also noted that the moving of petitions and limiting of questions was to give more time for speeches. However, Councillor Coggins added that there was discussion that questions were being limited due to the number of questions related to casework and felt this had not come through in the report and asked if it could be added. The Director of Legal and Governance confirmed the report had not gone back to the CWG, however, the final recommendations had been shared. The Director recognised that the issue of casework questions had been acknowledged, with a discussion had about looking at the question and using a criterion to determine whether the question was suitable. However, it was agreed that it would not be fair on officers to ... view the full minutes text for item 39. |
EXECUTIVE RESPONSE TO THE EVENTS AT OLD TRAFFORD TASK AND FINISH GROUP To receive the response from the Executive following submission of the Task & Finish group report, Events at Old Trafford, to the meeting of the Executive on the 29th January 2024. Minutes: The Executive Member for Highways, Environmental and Traded Services, Councillor Stephen Adshead, introduced the report and thanked former Councillor Walsh who chaired the task and finish group. The Executive Member was glad to see the report and hoped it showed how the Council was working with Manchester United to limit the impact of matchdays on local residents. The Executive Member shared the frustrations of matchday parking, and the limits the Council had on penalising those who park inappropriately. It was highlighted how the introduction of red routes aimed to give the Council greater power to deal with those that chose to park illegally. Before handing over, the Executive Member highlighted his desire to work closer with Manchester United under their new ownership and supporting them in building a strategy through any redevelopment in the area to support the residents. The Director of Growth and Regulatory Services provided updates to the responses within the report. This included scheduled implementation of red routes around the ground in August; positive approaches from the Trafford Centre following a meeting to discuss how it could be used on matchdays; several ongoing workstreams with Transport for Greater Manchester, with the refresh of the overarching Transport 2040 strategy; and working closely with the football club and Greater Manchester Police (GMP) in the new season.
The Chair reported positive reception from residents in the Ward. The Chair asked what the reception from Manchester United (MUFC) had been to the report. The Director of Growth and Regulatory Services confirmed the report had been shared with MUFC, however, there had not been a formal response yet. Generally speaking, the Director felt the club had highlighted their commitment to working on a number of the issues highlighted.
Councillor Hartley felt redevelopment of the stadium provided an opportunity and highlighted the lack of rail station access to the ground. Councillor Hartley asked whether any redevelopments of the ground would include the opportunity to improve rail access. The Director of Growth and Regulatory Services confirmed that it was within the Wharfside plan to address the issues of rail access. The Executive Member confirmed that during discussions on the redevelopment of the ground, there would be consideration to rail access.
Councillor Hartley agreed with increased cycle parking, however, felt access to better cycle routes was required to increase its usage. Councillor Hartley added that it was difficult to walk to Old Trafford and asked whether there were plans to publicise walking routes to the ground. The Director confirmed that TfGM did have designated walking routes. This would also be included with the ongoing extensive active travel programmes and within the Civic quarter action plan to make greater use of Warwick Road as a processional way. Councillor Axford asked whether use of the metrolink had been looked at and felt the news on trains and greater tram provision was positive. The Executive Member confirmed that the Metrolink was well used for matchday travel, with many fans also walking to the Didsbury line to spread the ... view the full minutes text for item 40. |
REDUCING CAR DEPENDENCY TASK AND FINISH GROUP DRAFT REPORT To receive the draft report from the Chair of the Task and Finish group. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Axford presented the report as the Chair and, on behalf of, the Task and Finish group looking at Reducing Car Dependency. Councillor Axford outlined the key justifications around reducing car dependency, provided data from surveys of Members of the Public, and highlighted the meetings with Local Authorities, Transport for Greater Manchester, and Dame Sarah Storey (Active Travel Commissioner), which had informed the report as set out in the agenda. Councillor Axford concluded that the group felt Trafford would benefit from a strategic overarching approach to join up the good work already taking place and suggested the strategy, Healthy Living Streets for All, which would encourage a modal shift, play a leading role in tackling the climate crisis, make greater use of public transport, enable more children to walk, wheel or cycle to school, as well as further suggestions made by the group and laid out in the report. The Chair thanked Councillor Axford and praised the report. The Chair liked the idea of a campaign to raise awareness for drivers who must park on pavements to allow space for pedestrians, as well as the suggestion of planting wildflowers along road verges. Councillor Jones asked if any consultation took place during the writing of the report. Councillor Axford responded that there was not, but it would need to be part of the next stage with any of the recommendations that the Executive take forward. RESOLVED: That the Scrutiny Committee endorses the report to go to the Executive.
COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME 2024/25 To consider items for the 2024/25 work programme. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Taylor asked whether the Committee could look at permits for NHS workers to remove the risk of receiving fines for parking when in the community. The Chair said that if it was to be considered it would be expanded to look at all key workers. Councillor Frass highlighted the work programming meeting which had taken place, referring to tranche three of the Bee Network and transport as one meeting. The Chair asked for suggestions to be made in the meeting, which would then all be taken away, prioritised, and put into a more formal work programme. This would be done in a further work programme meeting with the Chair, Vice-Chair, Governance Manager, and Democratic Officer. Councillor Jones raised transparency around the One Trafford traffic department, looking at how they assess and complete work. Councillor Frass agreed with the item. Councillor Frass referred to conversations around scaling back the Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (HIAMP) item, rather having a split session, half looking at HIAMP and the other on public facing infrastructure issues such as those laid out by Councillor Jones. Councillor Hartley added that the meeting could be on HIAMP and investments in roads, with another item looking at highway’s maintenance. Councillor Frass referred to the work programming meeting, and outlined how inviting back the social housing representatives, this would include only the bigger housing providers to have a response on damp and mould. Then, move the conversation on to look possibly at void policies and repairs. RESOLVED: That the above suggestions be considered by the Chair and Vice-Chair.