Agenda and decisions

Venue: Committee Rooms 2 and 3, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford M32 0TH

Contact: Ian Cockill  Senior Democratic Officer

No. Item



Members to give notice of any interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 360 KB

To receive and, if so determined, to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 December 2024.



A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated to public questions submitted in writing to Democratic Services ( by 4 p.m. on the working day prior to the meeting. Questions must be relevant to items appearing on the agenda and will be submitted in the order in which they were received.



To consider any matters referred by the Council or by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


Overview and Scrutiny Review of the Executive's Draft Budget Proposals for 2025-2026 pdf icon PDF 306 KB

To consider a report of the Chair of Scrutiny Committee which is expected to be referred from the Scrutiny Committee meeting on 22 January 2025.


Old Trafford Regeneration Update pdf icon PDF 338 KB

To consider a report of the Executive Member for Economy and Regeneration.

Additional documents:


  1. That the progress on the Old Trafford Regeneration work be noted, including the conclusion of the Options Report attached at Appendix 1 to the report and the findings of the Economic Impact report attached at Appendix 2.


  1. That the feasibility and potential benefits of the establishment of a Mayoral Development Corporation for the Old Trafford Regeneration area be explored.


  1. That the benefits of a Mayoral Development Zone for the western Gateway, in partnership with Salford City Council, be explored.


  1. That an updated Strategic Masterplan be prepared for the wider Wharfside / Old Trafford Regeneration area subject to securing necessary funding.


  1. That the area shown on the Plan at Appendix 3 to the report be adopted as the boundary of this Masterplan and for the potential Mayoral Development Corporation.


  1. That appropriate mechanisms for the coordination and funding of infrastructure within the Old Trafford Regeneration area be explored.


Trafford Housing Strategy 2025-2030 pdf icon PDF 378 KB

To consider a report of the Executive Member for Housing and Advice.

Additional documents:


That the Trafford Housing Strategy and Delivery Plan 2025-2030 be approved for publication.


Update on Stopping the Start: The Government's Plan to Create a Smokefree Generation and the Council's response pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To note a report of the Executive Member for Healthy and Independent Lives.


Education and Early Years Basic Need and High Needs Capital Report (Part 1) pdf icon PDF 640 KB

To consider a report of the Executive Member for Children and Young People.


That the Executive agrees the proposals contained within this report as the detailed capital programme for 2025/26 and into 2026/27, specifically:


1.    Approve the Secondary School expansion proposal detailed in section 6.1 of the report:


2.    Approve the High Needs (SEND) capital proposal detailed in section 6.2 of the report:

  • Brentwood School (increase from 45 places to 80 places including individual learning spaces) – additional funding.
  • Broadoak School – creation of a 25-place Resourced Provision.
  • Broomwood Primary School – creation of 10 place Reception/KS1 Nurture Centre for social, emotional and mental health needs.
  • Small capital grants scheme for primary and secondary mainstream schools to develop in-house inclusion/ nurture group provision.


3.    Approve the allocation of Basic Need capital funding and High Needs Capital Provision to carry out work to improve the facilities and expand provision for pupils detailed in Appendix A to the report: Proposed Capital Projects, Basic Need Capital Programme, Table 1 and High Needs (SEND) Capital Provision Programme, Table 2.


4.    Note the completion of previous SEND / High Needs Capital schemes in Appendix B to the report.


5.    Delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Place and the Corporate Director for Children’s Services, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance, to carry out the following for the capital projects included in the Basic Need Capital Programme and High Needs (SEND) Capital Provision Programme:

  • Submit planning applications as required.
  • Enter into any procurement exercise and negotiate, agree and enter into the terms of any contracts and other documentation necessary to progress the projects.
  • Appointment of any relevant contractors and specialists required to deliver.


6.    Delegate authority to the Director of Legal and Governance to enter into all legal agreements required to implement the above decisions.



Trafford Locality Plan pdf icon PDF 295 KB

To consider a report of the Executive Member for Healthy and Independent Lives.

Additional documents:


1.          That the Trafford Locality Plan 2025-28, be approved.


2.          That the Cooperative Commitments, listed at page 10 of the Plan, be noted.



Digital Strategy 2024/27 pdf icon PDF 219 KB

To note a report of the Leader of the Council.

Additional documents:


Business Rates Relief (Autumn Budget Measures) 2025-26

To consider a verbal report of the Director of Finance and Systems on the proposed Business Rate Relief Scheme.


Budget Monitoring 2024/25 Period 8 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To note a joint report of the Executive Member for Finance, Change and Governance and the Director of Finance and Systems.



Motion   (Which may be amended as Members think fit):


            That the public be excluded from this meeting during consideration of the remaining items on the agenda, because of the likelihood of disclosure of “exempt information” which falls within one or more descriptive category or categories of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A, as amended by The Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, and specified on the agenda item or report relating to each such item respectively.


Education and Early Years Basic Need and High Needs Capital Report (Part 2)

To consider a report of the Executive Member for Children and Young People.