Agenda item


To consider a report of the Executive Member for Housing and Neighbourhoods and the Executive Member for Environmental Services.


1)    That the feasibility considerations relevant to the creation of a Temporary Stopping Place be noted.

2)    That plans for a Temporary Stopping Place at Boyer Street be subject to local consultation.

3)    That delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Executive Members for Housing and Neighbourhoods and Environmental Services, to make the decision on whether to proceed following consultation and, if appropriate, all subsequent steps in developing a Temporary Stopping Place be approved.

4)    That a review of the site’s operation, if it is progressed, following the first summer season be approved.


The Executive Member for Environmental Services introduced the report and informed the Committee that the Council had been looking at the impact of Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller visits to the borough over the last two years. The Committee were also informed that the report and the recommendations were not the end of the work, as more long-term solutions would be sought as part of the new local plan. The Executive Member for Environmental Services concluded his introduction by endorsing the measures laid out within the report. 


The Executive Member for Climate Change and Transport Strategy noted the work had started with the Scrutiny committee conducting a task and finish group which engaged council officers and interested parties and led to a set of practical recommendations being produced for implementation in a relatively short timescale. The Executive Member for Climate Change and Transport Strategy stated that it was some of the best work he had seen Scrutiny do during his time as a Councillor and asked Councillor Acton to pass hid feedback onto the Committee at their next meeting.


The Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Equalities added that it was important for the item to come to the Committee and welcomed the progress Trafford had made around Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller visits to the area.


Councillor Acton welcomed the feedback from the Executive Member for Climate Change and Transport Strategy, the Executive’s response to the work of scrutiny, and the recommendations within the report to establish a temporary stopping site within the borough.


Councillor Blackburn raised concerns about the proposed site as there was no access to water and the site was used as an unofficial car park by people attending matches at Old Trafford Football Ground. Councillor Adshead responded to Councillor Blackburn’s concerns and informed the Committee that many of the sites which had been visited in the last two years did not have access to water and that the Council would investigate people using the site for parking on match days.


Councillor Jerrome welcomed the report and asked whether the training which had been delivered as part of the task and finish group work would continue to be rolled out and whether the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller Community would be consulted on the recommendations. The Leader responded to Councillor Jerrome stating that he wanted the training to continue to be delivered and the Executive Member for Environmental Services added that all affected communities would be consulted with. 


The Leader then moved the recommendations of the report, and they were approved.



1)    That the feasibility considerations relevant to the creation of a Temporary Stopping Place be noted.

2)    That plans for a Temporary Stopping Place at Boyer Street be subject to local consultation.

3)    That delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Executive Members for Housing and Neighbourhoods and Environmental Services, to make the decision on whether to proceed following consultation and, if appropriate, all subsequent steps in developing a Temporary Stopping Place be approved.

4)    That a review of the site’s operation, if it is progressed, following the first summer season be approved.

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