Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Rooms 2 & 3, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford M32 0TH

Contact: Harry Callaghan, Senior Democratic Support Officer 

No. Item


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To receive and, if so determined, to agree as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on the 10th July 2024.



RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on the 10th July 2024 be agreed as an accurate record.



Members to give notice of any interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct.


None were declared.



A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated to public questions submitted in writing to Democratic Services ( by 4p.m. on the working day prior to the meeting. Questions must be relevant to items appearing on the agenda and will be submitted in the order in which they were received.


One question had been submitted for the meeting by Ms. Stanley as follows:


What consideration has been given to the impact of the charging points on people who are disabled, have reduced mobility or those with visual or other impairments. What consideration has been given to positioning public charging point at a suitable height for wheelchair users to access?


The Head of Highways and Transport provided the following response:


Charging infrastructure, inclusive or cable connectors, can cause a tripping hazard and an obstruction.  For the existing installs, in car parks, they [charging infrastructure] have been located by our supplier to help ensure no trip obstructions / trip hazards are created.


A new public standard, (PAS:1899) has been published.  This [the standard] provides guidance for charger accessibility – inclusive of the charging device and public realm.  Existing install design, pre-date the standard. Installs safely made the best space allocated in existing car parks.


All future charge points will be PAS:1899 compliant and our supplier will work with us to specify requirements on a site basis.   For any future installs within a car park at least 1 bay will be fully accessible [as advised by our existing supplier].




To receive a report from the Director of Highway, Transport, and Environment and the Head of Highways and Transport.


[Contrary to the Agenda, due to Officer availability, it was agreed at the outset of the meeting to consider this item earlier]

The Director of Highways, Transport and Environment was in attendance to respond to any questions on the report which was circulated with the agenda. Prior to questions, the Director outlined key areas of work ongoing within Trafford on Electric Vehicle (EV) charging. Statistics on the current numbers (outlined on slide thirteen in the agenda), as well as a need of upwards of 900 in the future to ensure there were no barriers to entry, was also shared.

The Director added the next stages in EV Charging across the Borough, which included future funding applications, trials of column chargers, increasing gulley and streetlamp charging, and the concerns associated with these. Concluding, the Director highlighted the positive position Trafford was in when it came to EV Charging, being ahead of all other Boroughs in Greater Manchester (GM)

The Chair opened to the Committee for questions.

Councillor Axford asked what the Council’s position was on encouraging employers to offer free chargers at work. The Director responded that all employers were being encouraged but highlighted the Council focus to fill gaps itself.

[Note – Councillors Hartley and Taylor entered the meeting at 18:45]

Councillor Jones referred to point four in the introduction of the report on mass adoption of EV and low emission vehicles, asking the Director the risks involved with EV take up and how it might be mitigated with Trafford’s active travel strategy. The Director responded that whilst EV charging was central to ongoing work, it was only part of a wider strategy, specifically in Active Travel, aiming to have a greater network so that shorter journeys were easier and quicker by walking, wheeling, or cycling.

Councillor Coggins raised observations from the report. On the Amey proposal, Councillor Coggins asked about the procurement associated with this, raising a company which did this work. Furthermore, Councillor Coggins asked about the funding of the proposal. Finally, the Member asked if less economically viable areas would get slower chargers. Regarding the proposal, the Director stressed it was more a title, with the work being joint between the Council and Amey, also stressing that it was a trial as it stood. The Director added that it was right that less economically viable sites be considered, and that it was the Council’s responsibility to make sure that there was equal distribution across the Borough.

Councillor Frass raised ownership issues of gulley chargers, especially on a main carriageway. The Member asked if they would be financed by Trafford should a resident request it. The Director highlighted at least three models currently ongoing in GM, with some Councils reporting gulley charging to be too difficult. Committee members were informed that there was not a solution at the time, but a consensus on the most sensical option was being sought.

Councillor Thomas asked whether the cost impact of accessible chargers, was so great that there could not be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46.



To receive a presentation from Officers at Transport for Greater Manchester on Bus Franchising in Trafford, as part of the Bee Network.


Officers from Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) attended Committee, presenting first on Bus Franchising in Trafford, coming in the third and final tranche in January 2025.

The Chief Network Officer, TfGM, outlined the vision in Greater Manchester (GM) for the Bee Network, namely for reliable affordable transport for the people of GM and the sustainable growth and opportunities that could be provided through a strong public transport system.

The Chief Transformation Officer outlined her role in leading on the transformation of the network, with the Network Director for Buses responsible for the network once set up. The Chief Transformation Officer highlighted the accountability that was to come through the franchising, improvements seen during the first two tranches across GM, and an overview of the new buses which were to be seen in Trafford on the 5th January, covering the routes currently in existence. Other areas raised by the Officer included the Bee Network App, the travel safe partnership, and ongoing work with credit unions.

The Network Director for Buses outlined the six commitments of the Bee Network – Safe, Sustainable, Accessible, Affordable, Accountable, Reliable – and shared the exciting time to work in public transport. The Director pointed the Committee to the performance table seen within the report from tranche one and two and outlined the target for 2030 accepting the work to be done to get there. The Director finally spoke through the stages and indicative timelines, with the GM Mayor hoping they would be moved forward quicker, whilst accepting the long journey involved.

The Chair was glad to see the buses coming back into control. The Chair was also pleased to see the agreement with credit unions and asked how as elected Members they could encourage take up of the offer. The Chief Network Officer highlighted how annual public transport products were available to everyone, with the credit union an option to fund the tickets. It was planned to market the option heavily in 2025, and hoped Members could encourage their communities to explore.

Councillor Axford felt a stigma remained regarding travelling on bus compared to Metrolink, asking how this could be changed. The Network Director for Buses agreed that the image needed improving through resetting how the bus system looked and felt, with a need to talk up bus usage and the additional safety measures coming to the network.

The Member also raised congestion caused by cars on the road and how this deterred people from using the bus, asking how TfGM was encouraging bus usage. The Network Director for Buses highlighted the need for cooperation with Councils to encourage bus priority, which would involve tough decisions by Local Authorities to encourage bus usage.

Councillor Hartley welcomed the encouraging progress. The Member asked what the ambitions for school bus services was, suggesting that expanding the number of services would increase patronage. The Network Director for Buses responded that franchising did not change procurement of bus services yet, with TfGM not necessarily looking to expand school services,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47.



To receive a presentation from Officers at Transport for Greater Manchester on Metrolink and Active Travel Provision in Trafford.


The Chief Network Officer, TfGM opened by speaking to the improving patronage figures on Metrolink post-Covid, with performance in Trafford being good, and the Borough including the most travelled line. The Chief Network Officer also highlighted the Trafford Park line, which had increasing patronage. 

The Network Director for Active alerted Committee that Active Travel on the Bee Network was at the beginning of its journey, emphasising the progress made since 2020 in Trafford, with over 140Km of Bee Network standard routes available. The Director highlighted how Active Travel work was collaborative between Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) and Local Authorities on how schemes were delivered. Bee Network branding was desired to bring transport across Greater Manchester (GM) under one umbrella. The Director provided detail on the transformative journey, which was hoped for, with a vision of total GM coverage of over 2700Km of walking, wheeling and cycling routes being three times the road length in the whole of Trafford.

The Chair thanked the Officers and asked what could be done in Trafford to support residents with the storage of bikes. The Network Director for Active highlighted trials across GM of residents’ cycle hangers, with Members able to support on planning policies for these types of residential options. However, the Director added that despite there being a range of solutions, there was not yet a consistent GM policy for this.

Councillor Hartley was disappointed by the lack of investment and progress in walking as part of the Active Travel network, asking what the ambition was for improving the proportion of active travel spend on walking. The Network Director for Active responded that TfGM agreed with the Member, with the mission shifting since the appointment of Dame Sarah Storey as Active Travel Commissioner, who had been successful in a bid for funding from Active Travel England. The Director referred to the School Travel Strategy which would include plans for school streets, and other exploration into how TfGM can up the rate of investment in crossings.

Councillor Glenton asked for an update on the progress following a trial on bikes on trams earlier in the year. The Network Director for Active highlighted a strong commitment to this, with a report surrounding this expected to be published later in 2024. The Chief Network Officer added that it was a likely proposition, with the trial being successful. The Officer did highlight some concerns around provision and possible need to change layout of trams for greater space. It was highlighted that disabled / wheelchair users were the most against the trial, but reassured Members that spaces for those residents would not be compromised.

Councillor Axford echoed Councillor Hartley on walking and crossing, feeling as though pedestrian prioritisation at traffic light could be a straightforward change in the future to increase usage. The Network Director for Active highlighted timings being modified on 160 crossings so far, with further changes ongoing.

Councillor Coggins referred to a study done by the GM Cycle campaign which had looked at the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 48.



To consider the items within the work programme for the remainder of the Municipal Year.

Additional documents:


The Chair had received an email for an update on Travellers in Trafford, which would be considered for a space later in the year.

Councillor Axford on the permit parking for November currently, asked whether this could look more widely at the parking review. The Member also raised possibility for a Task and Finish group. This was to be discussed after the meeting.

Councillor Hartley referring to the damp and mould response in January, asked whether a more general update from housing providers on maintenance work could be included.

The Senior Democratic Support Officer responded that he would need to contact the Corporate Director for Place to consider the parking item and get a scope for what the item may look like.

The Chair asked whether the Senior Democratic Support Officer could find out from the Executive Member for Climate Change when the local Bee Network plan might be coming, so the Committee could undertake pre-decision Scrutiny.


1)    That the work programme be noted.

2)    That an update on travellers be considered for the Work Programme later in the year.

3)    That possible Task and Finish group topics be discussed outside of the meeting.

4)    That the items on housing be considered to include general housing maintenance.

5)    That the Senior Democratic Support Officer contact the Corporate Director for Place to gauge a scope for the parking item in November.

6)    That the Senior Democratic Support Officer contact the Executive to understand when the local Bee Network Plan for Trafford may be ready for Scrutiny.